A Dab of Ink PoE Divination Card

The Poet’s Pen Divination Card: A Dab of Ink

The Poet’s Pen is a unique Carved Wand. A Dab of Ink is a divination card.

  • 9x A Dab of Ink = 1x The Poet’s Pen

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A Dab of Ink

A Dab of Ink Drop Location

The Library • Academy Map • Museum Map • Scriptorium Map

The Library:

The Library is an area in Act 3. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Imperial Gardens and The Archives.

The library is a series of large rooms with bottomless pit, where the walls are lined with books and boxes. The ghost Siosa waits near the waypoint. A loose candle in one room reveals the exit to the Archives. Throughout the library, lore-books may be found on book stands: each instance has one passage from each of Victario’s Writings, The Purity Chronicles, and The Ancients.

Academy Map:

Academy Map is a map area. Map Level: 71. Map Tier: 4

Museum Map:

Museum Map is a map area. Map Level: 70. Map Tier: 3

Scriptorium Map:

Scriptorium Map is a map area. Map Level: 72. Map Tier: 5

A Dab of Ink drop chance?

My time shines! I League was originally a master of arc totem, his idea was to switch to poet’s pen searcher arc / LW, and storm on pulsar (never abandoned before)

Reached T9 and only completed Museum, skipped all T10 and completed all T11 up to molding machine.

There are 223 maps for growing two sets of ink. The museum is very good, but I will do scriptoriums next time just to get the chance of shaving. I try to use a sextant, chisel, vaals, Zana MODS and scarab as much as I can (for example, I put all my current energy into it)

I won’t do it again unless you plan to make a pen that only needs 2 Poets (could it be VD / bodyswap?) In the end, I left the pulse bean and got 21 / 20 of the arc, but I left the coke and turned to the mysterious scientist.

Good luck. I’m sure I won’t do it again. It’s painful because the map is dirty and it takes a lot of time to die. And my league start is not fast.

Poet’s Pen divination card (A Dab of Ink) drops in Library

To be honest, I don’t know if you can reliably get nine cards in any particular area of the early game. Unless you can’t get XP in some way. The problem with the div card in acts is that once your regional level is nine levels higher, the chances of your div dropping will be greatly reduced. That’s why so many players who are over the limit in the blood transfusion pipeline will always pick up their tabby cats.