Alone in the Darkness PoE Card

Delve Item Divination Card: Alone in the Darkness

Alone in the Darkness is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for a random unique item from the Delve league.

  • 5x Alone in the Darkness = 1x Random Delve Item

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Alone in the Darkness

Alone in the Darkness Drop Location

It can drop from an Abyssal Trove.

Abyssal Trove:

The Abyssal Trove is one of the two possible rewards for completing an abyss, the other being an entrance to the Abyssal Depths. The trove contains one or more abyssal jewels of magic or rare rarity, along with a sizable amount of varying and valuable items.

Alone In The Darkness div card

Has anyone gotten anything good from the div card? I’ve tried 2 sets and didn’t get anything worth noting. (not saying that’s a lot) I was just curious if there has been a big test on possible outcomes, possible drops, etc.

Does anyone know more about this card than I do?

It’s really common so you’re probably not going to get the good stuff often. If you want to buy poe currency, you can visit VHPG.

Alone in darkness card , Delve items

The small question to you guys.

If the card gives for example Delve item ( alone in darkness card ) what they mean by “delve item”?

For me delve item means — -> One of those uniques mentioned in this thread.

I just get Mark of submission from this set of cards and I’m just curious if it’s a bug or I should understand that delve item means all uniques added in 3.4 (with delve league )

all unique introduced in delve league afaik