Essence -- Path of Exile

Essence Atlas Passive Tree

4Essence ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have 5% chance to contain an additional Essence
5Imprisoned Monster Additional Essence ChanceNormal
  • Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have 5% chance to have an additional Essence
2Remnant of Corruption Essence ChanceNormal
  • Monsters Imprisoned by Essences have a 10% chance to contain a Remnant of Corruption
1Crystal ResonanceNotable
  • Monsters Imprisoned by a Shrieking Essence in your Maps will be Duplicated when released
  • Corrupting Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps cannot release them

Essence Atlas Passive Tree

1Crystal LatticeNotable
  • Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have 15% chance to have 3 additional Essences

Essence Atlas Passive Tree

1Amplified EnergiesNotable
  • Essences found in your Maps are a tier higher

Essence Atlas Passive Tree

4Essence Rare ChanceNormal
  • Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have 25% chance to drop an additional Rare Item with an Essence Modifier
1Prolific EssenceNotable
  • Your Maps contain an additional Essence

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