Expedition -- Path of Exile

Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

6Expedition ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +1% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
4Expedition Artifact QuantityNormal
  • 4% increased quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters
1Buried KnowledgeNotable
  • 50% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
  • Your Maps contain 20% increased number of Runic Monster Markers

Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

1Hunt for AnswersNotable
  • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter

Expedition Atlas Passive Tree

1Distinguished DemolitionistNotable
  • 35% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
  • 20% increased number of Explosives in your Maps
2Expedition Vendor Reroll Currency ChanceNormal
  • 5% increased Quantity of Vendor Refresh Currencies dropped by Monsters in your Maps
1Ancient WritingsNotable
  • Remnants in your Maps have 30% chance to have an additional Suffix Modifier
  • Expeditions in your Maps have +2 Remnants
2Explosive Placement DistanceNormal
  • 20% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps

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