Heist -- Path of Exile

Heist Atlas Passive Tree

5Heist Marker Stack SizeNormal
  • 8% increased Stack size of Rogue's Markers found in your Maps
1Smuggling RoutesNotable
  • Your Maps have 10% chance to contain a Bounty Target Pack

  • Reminder Text:

  • (Bounty Targets drop a large number of Rogue's Markers and can drop a Contract)

Heist Atlas Passive Tree

4Heist Smuggler's Cache ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +1% chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
1Casing the JointNotable
  • Smuggler's Caches in your Maps have 100% increased chance to drop Blueprints
  • Blueprints that drop in your Maps have 10% chance to be fully Revealed

Heist Atlas Passive Tree

1Heist Blueprint ChanceNormal
  • 8% increased Blueprints found in your Maps
1Secret StashNotable
  • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache

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