Metamorph -- Path of Exile

Metamorph Atlas Passive Tree

4Rogue Metamorph ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have 4% chance to contain a rogue Metamorph
1Escaped ExperimentNotable
  • Your Maps have 20% chance to contain a rogue Metamorph

Metamorph Atlas Passive Tree

6Additional Metamorph Sample RewardNormal
  • +1 Metamorph Monster Samples in your Maps have Rewards
1Intrinsic DarknessNotable
  • Your Maps have +4% chance to contain a Metamorph Encounter

Metamorph Atlas Passive Tree

1Fine SpecimensNotable
  • Metamorphs in your Maps deal 15% more Damage
  • Metamorphs in your Maps have 150% more Life
  • 30% chance for Rewards from Metamorphs in your Maps to be Doubled
4Metamorph Double Reward ChanceNormal
  • 3% chance for Rewards from Metamorphs in your Maps to be Doubled

Metamorph Atlas Passive Tree

4Metamorph ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +1% chance to contain a Metamorph Encounter
1Replicated ResultsNotable
  • You can assemble an additional Metamorph in your Maps after the first is Dead
1Organ DonorNotable
  • Metamorph Bosses which drop an Itemised Sample drop an additional Itemised Sample
  • Metamorph Vat Meters in your Maps require 25% less Power to fill

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