Azyran's Reward PoE Divination Card

Prismatic Jewel Divination Card: Azyran’s Reward

Azyran’s Reward is a divination card. A set of nine can be exchanged for a random corrupted unique Prismatic Jewel.

  • 9x Azyran’s Reward = 1x unique corrupted Prismatic Jewel

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Azyran's Reward

Azyran’s Reward Drop Location

Relic Chambers Map

The new divination card Azyran’s Reward gives Watcher’s Eye, possibly violating former “rules” of divination card drops?

As far as I know, we’ve never had boss drops in general loot tables for divination cards. Up until now, boss/monster exclusive items had to be explicitly stated on the cardie. The Last One Standing/The Samurai’s Eye

Azyran’s Reward gives Watcher’s Eye and most likely The Anima Stone (quite a few ilvl 80 corrupted Anima’s for sale on softcore). I’m unsure if it gives Emperor’s Mastery (none up for sale, could be super low chance), which is what most people seemed to assume it’d be for.

I just found it a little annoying that they made this exception/maybe it just went through unconsidered, as this has kind of been a standard/unsaid rule about divination cards for years now

talk about it/ chime in with your thoughts/ Idk just kinda venting this is NOT the Poe I FElL in LUV wiTH!!!!

There’s obviously a rule that you always get something, and this must necessarily take priority over other rules.

So if there is at least one normal drop item possible, you can’t get boss items. This explains the Delve card behavior. But if there are no possible normal drop items (as is the case both for the Bestiary card and this card), then the lower-precedence rule against drop-restricted items gets ignored.