Baited Expectations PoE

Fishing Item Divination Card: Baited Expectations

Baited Expectations is a divination card. A set of eight can be exchanged for a random unique fishing item. It is a continuation of the long running in-joke by Grinding Gear Games about fishing actually being a mechanic within the game. To clarify, there are no known or recorded instances of actual fishing or fish-items in the game.

  • 8x Baited Expectations = 1x Fishing Item

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Baited Expectations

Baited Expectations Drop Location


Will the new “Baited Expectations” div card ruin the fishing meta?

For years I’ve been holding strong on the market for Song of the Sirens cast speed meta and it’s been paying dividends. With this new div card, I’m worried that the abundance of new fishers is going to saturate the market and make it not worth my time.

you have been muted for discussing fisting secrets.
Rule 1 of fishing: never openly discuss fishing.
Rule 2: No discussion on how to breed dolphins.

What is the natural drop location of the various recent fishing-related divination cards? (Baited Expectations, The Fishmonger, The Old Man)

Notes: We know these come from generic divination card sources such as Stacked Deck, Putrid Cloister, Diviner’s Strongbox, Metamorph Div Drop, Blighted Div Chest, Legion Div Chest, etc. We’re specifically looking for the natural way of obtaining these cards, as the drop location may be important information.