Beauty Through Death PoE

The Queen’s Sacrifice Divination Card: Beauty Through Death

Beauty Through Death is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for The Queen’s Sacrifice.

  • 5x Beauty Through Death = 1x The Queen’s Sacrifice

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Beauty Through Death

Beauty Through Death Drop Location

Vaal Temple Map

Beauty Through Death

So I was rather surprised to see my next divination card in the news today, the status still says they are working on the art. But I can’t be happier with the art, it looks fantastic.

I wanted to give some of the inspiration behind the card. As a big fan of totems, I was super excited to see Atziri’s Reflection added to the game. However, I was very disappointed by the extreme rarity of the prophecy. This was what inspired me to create a divination card for this prophecy.

From here I had to come up with a theme. And after taking a look around the wiki and reading the flavor text for Atziri’s Reflection I knew I had my inspiration. Below is what I provided to GGG to describe what I imagined for the art.

The theme here is to really visualize the flavor text from The Queen’s Sacrifice. What I wrote down when thinking about this was: Atziri looking into a mirror, where the reflection is Atziri before she was corrupted. I also feel like a juxtaposition of having the corrupted Atziri (the one not in the mirror) fracturing (like broken glass) would potentially be interesting, though maybe that’s too much visually.

So, that’s the story of my 3rd divination card. You can get more poe currency information from Reddit.

I would love if it’s one big troll and the only way to get Beauty Through Death cards is to put the Atziri’s Sacrifice Prophecy item in the vendor window.

WHERE is the “Beauty Through Death” drop location?!~?

I got it in a delve chest, low down maybe 100 or so and was I think just a chest icon. I got my cards in Vaal Temple map boss and delve chests.

PSA: If you Hide the “Death” Card in your filter make sure the new T1 “Beauty Through Death” Card is Above as to not Hide it

So I found in my filter I had the Card “Death” hidden and above my T1 Card Rule which includes “Beauty Through Death” so it was hidden. In order to combat this make your T1 at the top and the Hides below. Happy Hunting Exiles!

Likewise with “Wolf” and “Wolf’s Shadow” except with those two the more worthless card has a longer name. So either way, you’ll need an exception block for one of the cards.

edit: To explain clearly — If your shit div card block is above your good div card block, you’ll need an exception for Beauty through Death or it’ll get flagged as a shit card by Death. If your good div card block is above your shit div card block, then you’ll need the exception for Wolf’s Shadow or it’ll start getting flagged as a good card by The Wolf.

Beauty through Death card art

I just noticed the beauty through art card just recently (it dropped ) but what really threw me for a loop was the fact that Atziri is looking in a mirror and seeing her reflection of Zana?! Could Zana be a reborn reincarnation of Atziri? She sacrificed her entire empire (millions) to be reborn. Or could it be the opposite, Zana eventually does get powerful enough in some way changes into Atziri and travels back in time to rule? Or both? I gotta say seeing this blew my mind and now I’m scouring the other cards for any future endeavors GGG might have planned.

The simpler explanation is that that isn’t Zana, it’s just what Atziri looked like before she transformed into her monstrous form.