Black Dragonflight – WoW Dragonflight

The black dragonflight are dragons with black scales who can breath magma. Powerful black dragons can breathe [Shadow Flame]. Led by the Dragon Aspect Neltharion, later known as Deathwing, the black dragonflight was charged by the titans with protecting the earth. The ambitious Neltharion was chosen by the Old Gods to be their ultimate tool of destruction and their corruption eventually spread to the entire dragonflight. Following the creation of the Demon Soul during the War of the Ancients, the black dragonflight became one of the most prominent reoccurring threats to the mortal races of Azeroth.

By the end of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, the last known remaining black dragons are Wrathion, Ebyssian, Sabellian and Serinar. Wrathion, a black whelp purified of the Old Gods’ corruption, saw to the death of nearly every other black dragon, including his father. Wrathion claims he now wishes to protect Azeroth. Meanwhile in Outland, Sabellian acquired baby whelps of his own, but his goals are unknown. Ebyssian, who is also uncorropted, has long lived among the Highmountain tauren under the guise of an eccentric spiritwalker named “Ebonhorn”.

During the Fourth War, black dragons such as Ravenian, Tyrantion and Stygia, along with black drakonid and dragonspawn, appeared on Island Expeditions, seeking Azerite, claiming to be the true earth-warders, and taunting players that despite their deaths, their clutch remains hidden.

Black dragonflight
Domain Earth, Protection
Breath Flame, Magma
Major leader(s) Wrathion (self-proclaimed) (Azeroth)
Sabellian (Outland)
Formerly Deathwing †
Secondary leaders Ebyssian
Racial capital Obsidian Throne
Neltharion’s Lair (formerly)
Area(s) Eastern Kingdoms (Badlands, Blackrock Mountain, Burning Steppes, Redridge Mountains, Twilight Highlands, Wetlands), Kalimdor (Azshara, Dustwallow Marsh, Stonetalon Mountains), Broken Isles, Northrend (Dragonblight), Outland (Blade’s Edge Mountains)
Homeworld Azeroth
Language(s) Draconic
Affiliation Wyrmrest Accord, Titans, Independent
Formerly Old Gods’ forces
Status Nearly extinct, but recovering.


Sabellian returns from Outland along with his surviving brood of black dragons, as well as a clutch of eggs. Wrathion and Sabellian begin competing for leadership of the black flight, with Wrathion claiming his deeds earn him the position and Sabellian claiming his inheritance earns him it.

Black Dragonflight

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Member types

The black dragonflight includes the black dragons themselves as well as all other black dragonkin such as dragonspawn and drakonid.

  • Black dragon
    • Black wyrm
  • Black drake
  • Black whelp
  • Black dragonspawn
  • Black drakonid
  • Dragonmen


Though the black dragonflight was nearly annihilated in ages past, a few of the evil creatures have made their homes in the dry, desolate wastes of The Barrens. With their lord, Deathwing, either missing or dead, the black dragons seek to appease only themselves. The creatures are immensely powerful and cruel and revel in mortal suffering. The black dragons are the enemies of every other dragonflight, especially the great red dragons of Lordaeron.

Black dragons were for a time, like their aspect Neltharion, the defenders of Azeroth, living deep in the caverns of the earth. They shaped the lands, raised mountains, and created valleys. The black dragonflight represented the strength of the earth itself. Even the symbol of the black dragonflight is a volcano, as it represents great power of earth and elements. For countless millennia the black dragons and the other flights lived in peace and harmony and worked together to safeguard Azeroth from all forms of violence and destruction. Then they fell prey to the influence of the Old Gods, Neltharion most of all. Gone was their regard for their charges. Destruction became their sole goal, fire, and magma their instruments.

Once held in high regard by all others as wise and steadfast, black dragons of modern times were vicious evil creatures, despised by all decent living beings. They delighted in the pain and misery of others. Having been driven mad by the whispers in their heads, they sought dominion of Azeroth and considered all other flights to be hated enemies. Even members of their own flight were never to be trusted, and could nearly all be described as power-hungry. Black dragons would often take humanoid form and meddle in the affairs of mortal kingdoms in hopes of bringing about their downfall. They would attempt to turn any situation or conflict they may come across to their advantage.

However, in the wake of the Old Gods’ defeat, Wrathion has sworn to see the black dragonflight once again fulfill their ancient duty to protect Azeroth.

Black dragonkin are sometimes referred to as obsidian or onyx.

Scales of the black dragonflight almost always retain their heat.


The preferred humanoid forms of the black dragonflight when in disguise amongst mortals are humans with black hair and dark eyes. Though black dragons can easily take other forms, humans have been especially useful. Dark Iron dwarf also can be disguises. The powerful and semi-industrial human kingdoms could more easily accomplish the goals of Deathwing and his ilk than the nomadic tauren, the magically-minded high elves, or the mountain-dwelling dwarves. Humans are also far less sensitive to the presence of dragons than other races. Known black dragons that have taken human form are listed in their dragon state and respective human names: A few known exceptions are Lady Sinestra who, when acting as an ambassador to the Dragonmaw clan, uses a blood elven guise, Blackwing Spellbinders in Blackwing Lair who also take elven form and Spritwalker Ebonhorn who takes a Highmountain tauren form.

  • Deathwing as Lord Daval Prestor
  • Nefarian as Lord Victor Nefarius
  • Onyxia as Lady Katrana Prestor
  • Sabellian as Baron Sablemane
  • Darkblaze as Grand Magus Doane
  • Velarok the Deceiver as Velarok Windblade
  • Fahrad, the Grand Master Rogue


Members of the black dragonflight occasionally have names ending in “ion” for males, or “ia” for females. Sometimes synonyms of the word “black”, or terms relating to fire and undesirable character traits their way into their names as well.

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