Boon of Justice PoE

Offering to the Goddess Divination Card: Boon of Justice

Boon of Justice is a divination card. A set of six can be exchanged for an Offering to the Goddess.

  • 6x Boon of Justice = 1x Offering to the Goddess

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Boon of Justice

Boon of Justice Drop Location

Chateau Map • Orchard Map • Plaza Map

You can also exchange an Exalted Orb for hundreads of Boon of Justice.

Offering to the Goddess

Offering to the Goddess is an item received upon completing an Eternal trial.

One Offering to the Goddess is dropped when the plaque at the end of the Trial is touched. Only one Offering is dropped per Trial, regardless of the number of party members in the Trial.

Each run of the Eternal Labyrinth requires and consumes an Offering. Only one person per group needs to use an Offering.

Missing Divination Cards ?

Also, any chance to get some minimal data about “Boon of Justice” & “The Golden Era”?

Sorry for asking, I know you GGG guys are pretty busy, but some of us filter makers also have a community to deal with.

“The Lord of Celebration” was already revealed, still hoping to get some info about which items “Boon of Justice” & “The Golden Era” provide, though. Also, there is that 100% unknown 15th card, assuming it wasn’t a typo in the patch notes.

Sustaining Offering to the Goddess in SSF?

Is the best method to farm for Boon of Justice div cards? Getting trials to pop up seems very random.

It’s not confirmed, but I have a feeling lab trials pop up more often in yellow tiers than in either white or red. Getting trials is indeed random, but if you speed farm maps then you’ll get them.