Cartographer's Delight PoE

tier 5 map Divination Card: Cartographer’s Delight

Cartographer’s Delight is a divination card. A set of three can be exchanged for a normal tier 5 map.

  • 3x Cartographer’s Delight = 1x tier 5 map

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Cartographer's Delight

Cartographer’s Delight Drop Location

Cartographer’s Delight can be dropped in the following areas: 
The Harbour Bridge • The Foothills

The Foothills:

The Foothills is an area with a Waypoint in Act 9. It is connected to The Vastiri Desert , The Boiling Lake and The Tunnel. Vaal side area Forgotten Gulch has a chance to spawn.

The Harbour Bridge:

The Harbour Bridge is an area in Act 8. It is connected to the Lunaris Concourse and the Solaris Concourse. Vaal side area Stagnant Canal has a chance to spawn. After the completion of Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse, the path to The Blood Aqueduct will be opened in the Sky Shrine. Monsters with the Solaris affinity will engage monsters with the Lunaris Affinity in the middle of the area.

Found a Cartographer’s Delight card — Merc Docks

You’re thinking of The Trial and or The Surveyor.