Грегуар Святой Громовержец — Diablo 4

Грегуар Святой Громовержец(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Грегуар Святой Громовержец (3-й и 4-й уровень мира): соберите нужное количество живой стали из истерзанных даров во время Адского натиска. За победу над Грегуаром можно получить не только уникальные предметы, но и декоративную броню для транспорта «Ловец демонов». Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting …

Grigor, Galwaniczny Święty — Diablo 4

Grigor, Galwaniczny Święty(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigor, Galwaniczny Święty (ranga świata III i IV): Musicie zebrać odpowiednią ilość Żywej Stali z torturowanych ofiar w Piekielnym Przypływie. Oprócz przedmiotów unikatowych, jakie może upuścić wyłącznie Grigor, macie też szansę na otrzymanie ozdobnego pancerza wierzchowca Spoiwo Demonów. Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting …

Grigoire, il Santo Galvanico — Diablo 4

Grigoire, il Santo Galvanico(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigoire, il Santo Galvanico (Livelli del Mondo III e IV): dovrai ottenere abbastanza Ferro Vivente dai Doni Torturati durante la Marea infernale. Oltre agli oggetti unici ottenibili esclusivamente da Grigoire, avrai anche la possibilità di ottenere l’armatura cavalcatura cosmetica Vincolademoni. Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 …

Grigoire, le saint galvanisant — Diablo 4

Grigoire, le saint galvanisant(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigoire, le saint galvanisant (niveaux de monde III et IV) : il vous faudra obtenir une certaine quantité d’acier vivant dans les offrandes torturées des vagues infernales. En plus des objets uniques propres à Grigoire, vous aurez une chance d’obtenir l’armure de monture Entraveur de démons si vous …

Grigoire el Santo Galvánico — Diablo 4

Grigoire el Santo Galvánico(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigoire el Santo Galvánico (niveles del mundo III y IV): Debes reunir una cantidad adecuada de acero viviente de los dones torturados en la Marea Infernal. Además de objetos únicos que solo suelta Grigoire, también tendrás la posibilidad de recibir la armadura de montura cosmética atademonios. Grigoire, The …

Grigoire, el Santo Galvánico — Diablo 4

Grigoire, el Santo Galvánico(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigoire, el Santo Galvánico (Nivel de Mundo III y IV): debes conseguir Acero Viviente suficiente de la Ofrenda Torturada en Marea Infernal. Además de los objetos únicos que solo pueden obtenerse de Grigoire, tienes una probabilidad de recibir el objeto decorativo de armadura de montura Atademonios. Grigoire, The …

Grigoire, o Santo Galvânico — Diablo 4

Grigoire, o Santo Galvânico(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigoire, o Santo Galvânico (dificuldades III e IV): você deve coletar Aço Vivo suficiente da Dádiva Torturada na Maré Infernal. Além de itens únicos que só podem ser obtidos de Grigoire, você também tem uma chance de receber o item cosmético Armadura de Montaria Ata-demônios. Grigoire, The Galvanic …

電撃の聖人グリゴワール — ディアブロ4

電撃の聖人グリゴワール(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) 電撃の聖人グリゴワール(ワールドティアIII&IV):ヘルタイドの拷問されし供物から一定数の生ける鋼を集める必要があります。グリゴワールは固有のユニーク・アイテムに加え、馬鎧コスメティック「デーモンバインダー」をドロップする可能性があります。 Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting (6% off coupon: diablo4). Cheap Diablo 4 Gold, Diablo 4 Items, Boosting Services. Fast Delivery. Cheap Prices. Safety Guaranteed. Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies. Mulefactory: Buy Diablo IV gold (5% off coupon: VHPGMULE). Fast and …

전류의 성자 그리구아르 — 디아블로4

전류의 성자 그리구아르(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) 전류의 성자 그리구아르 (세계 단계 3 및 4): 지옥물결 내의 고통받는 선물에서 살아있는 강철을 충분히 모아야 합니다. 그리구아르만이 떨어뜨리는 고유 아이템들이 있습니다. 또한 이 우두머리는 악마결속마 탈것 방어구 꾸미기 아이템을 떨어뜨리기도 합니다. Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting (6% …

轟雷聖者格里高列 — 暗黑破壞神4

轟雷聖者格里高列(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) 轟雷聖者格里高列(世界階級 III 和 IV):必須在地獄浪潮的受難祭品收集足夠的活體鋼鐵。除了只有格里高列會掉落的獨特物品之外,還有機會獲得喚魔者坐騎護甲造型。 Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting (6% off coupon: diablo4). Cheap Diablo 4 Gold, Diablo 4 Items, Boosting Services. Fast Delivery. Cheap Prices. Safety Guaranteed. Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies. Mulefactory: Buy Diablo IV gold (5% off coupon: …

Grigoire, der Galvanische Heilige — Diablo 4

Grigoire, der Galvanische Heilige(Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint) Grigoire, der Galvanische Heilige (Weltstufe III und IV): Ihr müsst genug Lebenden Stahl von der Gefolterten Opfergabe in Höllenflut sammeln. Neben einzigartigen Gegenständen, die ihr nur von Grigoire erhalten könnt, habt ihr auch die Chance auf die kosmetische Dämonenbinder-Reittierrüstung. Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint Unlock Requirements Diablo 4 Gold, …


ЗАСЛУЖИТЕ СЛАВУ ОХОТНИКА В СЕЗОННОМ СОБЫТИИ «КРОВАВАЯ ЖАТВА» Сезонное событие «Кровавая жатва» — верный способ накопить кровь силы и добыть контрактную броню. Повинуясь приказу темного владыки, коварные кровавые охотники повели армии вампиров на завоевание Сухих степей, Хавезара и Скосглена. Захваченные земли они погружают в хаос, а их жителей угоняют в рабство. Повышайте репутацию, расправляясь с врагами в поручениях, …


ZDOBĄDŹCIE RENOMĘ ŁOWCY ZA WYDARZENIE SEZONOWE KRWAWE ŻNIWA Największą szansę na znalezienie potężnej krwi i elementów pancerza paktu macie w wydarzeniu sezonowym Krwawe Żniwa. Jednym skinieniem dłoni Mroczny Mistrz wysłał przebiegłych Poszukiwaczy Krwi i ich armie wampirów na podbój Suchych Stepów, Hawezaru i Scosglen, albowiem pragnie siać chaos i uwięzić mieszkańców tych regionów Sanktuarium. Za wrogów, …


AUMENTA IL PLAUSO DEI CACCIATORI CON L’EVENTO STAGIONALE RACCOLTO DEL SANGUE L’evento stagionale Raccolto del Sangue prevede la più alta probabilità di ricevere Sangue Potente e Armature del Patto. Con un solo cenno della mano, il signore oscuro ha inviato astuti Cercatori di Sangue a capo di eserciti di vampiri per conquistare le regioni di Sanctuarium …


ACCUMULEZ DE LA RÉPUTATION DE CHASSE LORS DE L’ÉVÈNEMENT SAISONNIER MOISSON DE SANG Le meilleur moyen d’obtenir du sang tout-puissant et des armures de pacte est de participer à l’évènement saisonnier Moisson de sang. D’un simple revers de main, le sombre seigneur a envoyé ses traqueurs de sang et une armée de vampires conquérir les steppes …


ACUMULA RECONOCIMIENTO DE LOS CAZADORES EN EL EVENTO DE TEMPORADA COSECHA DE SANGRE El mejor lugar para obtener sangre potente y armadura del pacto es el evento de temporada Cosecha de Sangre. Con solo un gesto de la mano, el Amo Oscuro ha enviado taimados Buscadores de Sangre con ejércitos de vampiros a conquistar las regiones …


OBTÉN RECONOCIMIENTO DE CAZADORES EN EL EVENTO DE TEMPORADA COSECHA SANGRIENTA En el evento de temporada Cosecha Sangrienta tendrás más probabilidades de recibir Sangre Potente y Armadura de Pacto. Con solo un gesto, el amo oscuro envió a los astutos Rastreasangre con ejércitos de vampiros a las Estepas Áridas, Hawezar y Escosglen para conquistar estas regiones de …


CEIFE O RENOME DOS CAÇADORES NO EVENTO DE TEMPORADA COLHEITA SANGUÍNEA O Evento de Temporada Colheita Sanguínea oferece a maior chance de receber Sangue Potente e armadura de Pacto. Com um aceno de mão, o Mestre das Trevas despachou os astutos Busca-sangues com exércitos de vampiros para conquistar as regiões de Estepes Secas, Hawezar e Scosglen de …

シーズンイベント「血の収穫」でハンターの喝采を刈り取ろう — ディアブロ4

シーズンイベント「血の収穫」でハンターの喝采を刈り取ろう 「濃厚な血」と盟約の防具がドロップするチャンスが最も高いのが、シーズンイベント「血の収穫」です。サンクチュアリの乾きの平原、ハウザー、スコスグレン地域を支配しようと、邪悪な主がヴァンパイアの軍勢を引き連れた狡猾なブラッド・シーカーたちを送り出し、民を拘束して大惨事を起こしています。 報酬クエストで敵を斬り捨て、血ぶくれを破裂させ、ワールドイベントを完了し、吸血の儀式を妨害し、囚人を解放することで、名誉を獲得できます。名誉を獲得していくとティアが上昇し、作成用素材やアイテム、盟約の消費アイテムなどの役に立つ報酬を獲得できます。 血の収穫では、一定確率で「血の囮」を獲得することが可能で、これを使うと討伐対象のブラッド・シーカーを召喚できます。また、発見したシーカーの鍵を使って邪悪なる主の軍勢から囚人を解放したりシーカーの箱を開けると、盟約の防具や盟約の消費アイテム、濃厚な血が手に入ります。 新イベントで邪悪なる主の軍勢を倒せ また、新たなワールドイベントやダンジョンイベントも登場し、ブラッド・シーカーや他のヴァンパイアの兵隊たちと戦うことができます。邪悪なる主の軍勢はサンクチュアリの一部のダンジョンを拠点としています。その奥深くに入り、そこに隠された秘密を暴きましょう。 Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting (6% off coupon: diablo4). Cheap Diablo 4 Gold, Diablo 4 Items, Boosting Services. Fast Delivery. Cheap Prices. Safety Guaranteed. Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies. Mulefactory: Buy Diablo IV gold (5% off coupon: VHPGMULE). Fast and safe Diablo IV Gold. Season …

피의 수확 시즌 이벤트에서 사냥꾼의 평판 쌓아 올리기 — 디아블로4

피의 수확 시즌 이벤트에서 사냥꾼의 평판 쌓아 올리기 피의 수확 시즌 이벤트에서는 높은 확률로 충만한 피와 서약 방어구를 얻을 수 있습니다. 사악한 주인이 교활한 피 추적자들과 흡혈귀 군대를 내보냈습니다. 이 무리는 메마른 평원, 하웨자르, 스코스글렌 지역을 습격하며 거주민들을 사로잡고 성역을 아수라장으로 만듭니다. 현상금 사냥으로 적을 처치하고, 피 물집을 파괴하고, 세계 이벤트를 완료하고, 흡혈귀의 의식을 저지하며 …

在血宴賽季活動中收割獵人聲譽 — 暗黑破壞神4

在血宴賽季活動中收割獵人聲譽 血宴賽季活動是最有機會獲得強效鮮血和掉落血契防具的地方。黑暗主宰大手一揮,就派出了狡猾的覓血使徒和吸血鬼大軍,征服聖休亞瑞的大乾原、哈維薩和斯科斯格倫地區,並囚禁當地居民,引發一場大混亂。 在懸賞期間刺殺敵人、爆破血囊、完成世界事件、破壞吸血鬼儀式、釋放囚犯,都能獲得聲望。可以透過聲望提升階層並獲得實用的獎勵,例如製作材料、物品和血契消耗品。 你有機會透過血宴獲得血腥誘餌,並用來召喚覓血使徒再將之擊殺。也可以使用找到的使徒鑰匙,釋放黑暗主宰軍隊的囚犯,或使用使徒寶箱來獲得血契防具、血契消耗品和強效鮮血。 在全新活動中粉碎黑暗主宰的軍隊 還有全新的世界事件和地城事件,在這些事件中和更多覓血使徒以及吸血鬼正面交鋒。黑暗主宰把某些聖休亞瑞的地城納為自己的地盤。深入探索這些地城,尋找隱藏的秘密。 Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting (6% off coupon: diablo4). Cheap Diablo 4 Gold, Diablo 4 Items, Boosting Services. Fast Delivery. Cheap Prices. Safety Guaranteed. Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies. Mulefactory: Buy Diablo IV gold (5% off coupon: VHPGMULE). Fast and safe Diablo IV Gold. Season …


SAMMELT JÄGERRUHM VOM SAISONALEN EREIGNIS DER BLUTERNTE Das saisonale Ereignis der Bluternte ist die Anlaufstelle mit den besten Chancen darauf, mächtiges Blut und Paktrüstung zu erhalten. Mit dem Wink seiner Hand hat der Dunkle Meister listige Blutsucher gemeinsam mit Armeen an Vampiren entsendet, um Sanktuarios Trockensteppe, Hawezar und Scosglen einzunehmen, wo sie die Einwohner festhalten und ein …

вампирские умения — Diablo 4

Малые вампирские умения, Великие вампирские умения Описания ниже соответствуют вампирским умениям 3-го (максимального) уровня. Name Requirements Description Предвкушение 1 контракт богов ваши мощные умения восстанавливаются на 20% быстрее. Ваши мощные умения наносят на 12% больше урона за каждого ближайшего противника под действием ваших эффектов периодического урона. Клыки культа 2 контракта богов ваши умения категории «Колдовство», …

moce Wampiryzmu — Diablo 4

Pomniejsze moce Wampiryzmu, Większe moce Wampiryzmu Poniższe wartości odpowiadają każdej z mocy Wampiryzmu na maksymalnym (trzecim) poziomie. Name Requirements Description Oczekiwanie 1 pakt boskości Czas odnowienia Umiejętności Specjalnych gracza zostaje skrócony o 20%. Obrażenia zadawane przez Umiejętności Specjalne są zwiększone o 12% za każdego pobliskiego wroga, któremu gracz zadaje obrażenia z upływem czasu. Wiedźmie Kły …

Poteri Vampireschi — Diablo 4

Poteri Vampireschi minori, Poteri Vampireschi maggiori I seguenti valori riflettono l’entità dei Poteri Vampireschi al loro massimo livello, il livello 3. Name Requirements Description Attesa 1 Divinità Il tempo di recupero delle tue abilità Ultra si riduce del 20%. I danni delle tue abilità Ultra aumentano del 12% per ogni nemico vicino affetto dai tuoi …

Pouvoirs vampiriques — Diablo 4

Pouvoirs vampiriques mineurs, Pouvoirs vampiriques majeurs Les valeurs indiquées ci-dessous correspondent aux pouvoirs vampiriques de niveau 3. Name Requirements Description Anticipation 1 pacte de divinité vos compétences ultimes obtiennent 20 % de réduction du temps de recharge Vos compétences ultimes infligent 12 % de dégâts supplémentaires pour chaque adversaire proche subissant l’un de vos effets …

Poderes vampíricos — Diablo 4

Poderes vampíricos menores, Poderes vampíricos mayores Los valores indicados a continuación reflejan cada poder vampírico a nivel 3 (máximo). Name Requirements Description Anticipación 1 de divinidad Tus habilidades definitivas obtienen un 20 % de reducción de tiempo de reutilización. Tus habilidades definitivas infligen un 12 % más de daño por cada enemigo cercano afectado por …

Poderes Vampíricos — Diablo 4

Poderes Vampíricos Menores, Poderes Vampíricos mayores El valor siguiente refleja cada Poder Vampírico en su nivel máximo de 3. Name Requirements Description Anticipación 1 de Divinidad tus habilidades máximas ganan 20% de reducción de recuperación. Tus habilidades máximas aumentan un 12% de daño por cada enemigo cercano afectado por tus efectos de Daño con el …

Poderes Vampíricos — Diablo 4

Poderes Vampíricos Menores, Poderes Vampíricos Maiores Os valores abaixo refletem cada Poder Vampírico em seu nível 3 máximo. Name Requirements Description Antecipação 1 de Divindade suas habilidades supremas têm 20% de redução de recarga. Suas habilidades supremas causam 12% mais dano para cada inimigo próximo afetado pelos seus efeitos de dano ao longo do tempo. …

吸血力 — ディアブロ4

吸血力 以下に表示される値は、各吸血力を上限のレベル3まで強化した際のものです。 Name Requirements Description 予病 神性1 奥義スキルが20%のクールダウン時間短縮を得る。付近の敵1体に継続ダメージ効果を与えるたびに奥義スキルのダメージが12%増加する。 教団の牙 神性2 召喚スキル、使い魔、ミニオンおよびコウモリの使い魔による攻撃が操作障害効果を受けている敵に与えるダメージを52%増加する。幸運の一撃: 召喚スキル、使い魔、ミニオンおよびコウモリの使い魔による攻撃が命中すると、最大30%の確率で吸血の呪いを与える。 支配 猛威1 スタン、移動不能、凍結、または恐怖状態の敵に与えるダメージが24%増加する。それらの敵が負傷状態になっている非エリートの場合は即死させる。 教団の餌食 永遠1 幸運の一撃: 召喚スキル、使い魔、ミニオンおよびコウモリの使い魔が攻撃すると、最大60%の確率でプライマリリソースを10回復し、4秒間にわたってダメージが10%増加する。 紅潮 神性3 基本スキルを5回使用するたびに、発動中のクールダウンのいずれか1つが2秒短縮される。 血占い 永遠3 ライフ最大値の80%を物理ダメージとして付近の敵に与える。効果が発動するのは4秒に1回のみ。この方法でダメージを与えた敵1体ごとにライフ最大値の1%を回復する。 感染 猛威1 敵に直接攻撃を命中させると膿疱をうつす。同じ敵に8回うつすと膿疱が破れ、70%の毒ダメージを与える。 ジャグド・スパイク 猛威1、神性1 10%の確率で荊棘の加護の与えるダメージが300%増加し、敵に8%の冷気効果を与える。 弱肉強食 猛威2 脆弱状態の敵に与えるダメージが16%増加する。ほかの吸血力で吸血の呪いを与えた敵が脆弱状態になる。 ランパート 神性1、永遠1 3秒間静止していると、6秒間にわたりライフ最大値の40%の障壁を得る。この効果が発生するのは20秒に1回のみ。 貪欲 猛威3 幸運の一撃:最大20%の確率で6秒間、攻撃速度を自身の合計移動速度の40%上昇させる。 回復力 永遠2 2%のライフを失うたびにダメージ減少率が1%上昇する。 紅き備え 神性1、永遠1 敵を倒すと基本ライフの6%にあたる強化を獲得する。強化状態のライフがライフ最大値の半分を超えるときは、クリティカルヒット率が8%増加する。 戦慄 猛威1、神性1、永遠1 攻撃されると14%の確率で付近の敵を恐怖状態にし、さらに2秒間、80%の確率でスロウ状態にする。恐怖状態の敵に対し、必ずクリティカルヒットが発生する。 不死 永遠1 スキル使用時にライフが3%回復する。ライフが50%未満の場合、この効果は2倍になる。 呪われし手 神性6 幸運の一撃:最大44%の確率で敵に吸血の呪いを与える。吸血の呪いを受けている敵は15%の確率で付近の敵に呪いを拡散する。呪われし者の魂が与えるダメージが200%増加する。 …

흡혈귀의 힘 — 디아블로4

흡혈귀의 힘 각 흡혈귀의 힘에는 아래의 능력치들이 최대 3레벨까지 부여됩니다. Name Requirements Description 예견 신성의 서약 1개 궁극기의 재사용 대기시간이 20% 감소합니다. 궁극기 기술이 지속 피해 효과의 영향을 받는 주위의 적 하나당 12%의 피해 증가 효과를 얻습니다. 마녀단의 송곳니 신성의 서약 2개 구현 기술, 동료, 하수인, 박쥐 사역마의 공격이 군중 제어 상태의 적에게 주는 피해가 …

Vampirische Mächte — Diablo 4

Vampirische Mächte Die untenstehenden Werte spiegeln jede Vampirische Macht auf der maximalen Stufe 3 wider. Name Requirements Description Vorahnung 1 Göttlichkeit Eure ultimativen Fertigkeiten erhalten 20 % Abklingzeitreduktion. Eure ultimativen Fertigkeiten verursachen 12 % erhöhten Schaden für jeden Gegner in der Nähe, der von Euren Schaden-über-Zeit-Effekten betroffen ist. Reißzähne des Zirkels 2 Göttlichkeit Die Angriffe …

吸血鬼異能 – 暗黑破壞神4

吸血鬼異能 下方的數字表示每個吸血鬼異能都達到上限等級 3。 Name Requirements Description 先發制人 1 神性 你的絕招技能冷卻時間縮短 20%。附近每一個受到你持續傷害效果影響的敵人,會使你的絕招技能傷害提高 12%。 教團尖牙 2 神性 你的咒喚、同伴、僕從和蝙蝠魔寵的攻擊會額外對受到控場效果的敵人造成 52% 傷害。幸運觸發:你的咒喚、同伴、僕從和蝙蝠魔寵擊中敵人時,最高有 30% 機率施加吸血詛咒。 支配 1 凶暴 你對昏迷、定身、凍結或恐懼的敵人額外造成 24% 傷害。若其受傷且並非精英怪,則立即遭到擊殺。 滋育主人 1 永恆 幸運觸發:咒喚、同伴、僕從和蝙蝠魔寵的攻擊最多有 60% 機率為你恢復 10 點主要資源,並使你的傷害提高 10%,持續 4 秒。 血行加速 3 神性 你每使用 5 次基本技能,會使你其中一個技能的現有冷卻時間縮短 2 秒。 操血術 3 永恆 你的攻擊對附近敵人造成相當於你生命值上限 80% 的物理傷害。此效果每 4 秒只能觸發一次。每用這種方式傷害一個敵人,即可使你恢復生命值上限的 1%。 感染 …

Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition

Standard Edition Digital Deluxe Edition Ultimate Edition Ultimate Edition Diablo IV Inarius Wings & Inarius Murloc Pet in Diablo® III** Amalgam of Rage Mount in World of Warcraft®** Umber Winged Darkness Cosmetics Set in Diablo Immortal™** Up to 4 days Early Access to Diablo® IV’s Launch*** Accelerated Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock in Diablo® IV (includes …

Diablo 4 Digital Deluxe Edition

Standard Edition Digital Deluxe Edition Ultimate Edition Digital Deluxe Edition Diablo IV Inarius Wings & Inarius Murloc Pet in Diablo® III** Amalgam of Rage Mount in World of Warcraft®** Umber Winged Darkness Cosmetics Set in Diablo Immortal™** Up to 4 days Early Access to Diablo® IV’s Launch*** Seasonal Battle Pass Unlock in Diablo® IV Temptation …

Diablo 4 Standard Edition

Standard Edition Digital Deluxe Edition Ultimate Edition Standard Edition Diablo IV Inarius Wings & Inarius Murloc Pet in Diablo® III** Amalgam of Rage Mount in World of Warcraft®** Umber Winged Darkness Cosmetics Set in Diablo Immortal™** *Actual platform availability and launch date(s) of the Beta subject to change. See Diablo.com for more details. Minimum Open …

Diablo 4 System Requirements

Diablo 4 System Requirements (Minimum) CPU: Intel Core i3 CPU SPEED: Info RAM: 4 GB VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or ATI Radeon HD 4870 or Intel HD Graphics 4400 DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 256 MB PIXEL SHADER: 4.0 VERTEX SHADER: 4.0 OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64-bit (latest service pack) …

Diablo 4 Season 1 Release Date & Patch Notes

Season 1 Release Date Diablo 4 The release date of Diablo 4 Season 1 is June 6, 2023. All Hell breaks loose 6.6.23. Q: Will there be Seasons? A: Yes! Seasons will be returning, and we’d like them to heavily impact your approach to gameplay. More details to come. Diablo IV Classes & News Currency Runes Vex …

How to Get More Adena in Throne and Liberty(TL)

What is Throne and Liberty Adena? Throne and Liberty is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by NCSoft. It has a class-less combat system, which means players can adapt their style by picking up different weapons without feeling tied-down to a certain set of skills and abilities. Adena is the main currency item in …

Voidborn Reliquary Key PoE

Voidborn Reliquary Key Icon Description The Voidborn Reliquary Key gives a custom Foil version of Unique items selected by players who purchased the Voidborn Supporter Pack. Unlike previous Reliquary Keys, items from this Relic Vault drop with one of the following foil types chosen by the supporter: Amethyst, Verdant, Ruby, Cobalt, Sunset, or Aureate. Items …

Diablo 4 Boss Stagger Bar

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Boss Staggered Diablo IV Bosses in Diablo 4 covers a compendium of these various special type of Enemies that a player can encounter in the game. Unlike normal Enemies, Bosses have a higher amount of health and are distinctively unique with their own set of moves. Defeating some Bosses is …

Diablo 4 Bone Wall

Diablo 4 Skeleton Lord The Skeleton Lord was conceived as art first, with the design team subsequently using the art as inspiration for his fight. At BlizzCon 2019, it was called the “Tomb Lord.” Bone Wall Skeleton Lord ability Blizzard says that along with spawning numerous skeletons to help him in battle, the Tomb Lord …

Diablo 4 Bone Storm

Diablo 4 Skeleton Lord The Skeleton Lord was conceived as art first, with the design team subsequently using the art as inspiration for his fight. At BlizzCon 2019, it was called the “Tomb Lord.” Bone Storm Skeleton Lord ability Blizzard says that along with spawning numerous skeletons to help him in battle, the Tomb Lord …

Diablo 4 Skeleton Lord – Tomb Lord

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Skeleton Lord(Tomb Lord) Diablo IV The Skeleton Lord was conceived as art first, with the design team subsequently using the art as inspiration for his fight. At BlizzCon 2019, it was called the “Tomb Lord.” The Skeleton Lord is a creature made of fused skeleton and body parts, with sinew …

Diablo 4 Player Swallowing Attack

Diablo 4 Duriel Player Swallowing Attack Duriel ability In addition to burrowing, Duriel can draw the player into his stomach, which is clamped shut with interlocking teeth, and then spit the player out in a pile of ooze. Blizzard likened this to being inside an iron maiden cage, which were used in medieval times: “He …

Diablo 4 Burrowing Special Attack

Diablo 4 Duriel Burrowing Special Attack Duriel ability Blizzard detailed one of Duriel’s special moves as a boss: the ability to burrow into the ground, leaving the player to fend off swaths of maggots: “He’s Lord of Pain, but also Lord of Maggots, so we decided to explore that side of him. He burrows into …

Diablo 4 Duriel

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Duriel Diablo IV Duriel returns as an enemy in Diablo IV. His appearance is slightly altered compared to his Diablo II incarnation: he is less insect-like and more reminiscent of Ghom, with a fanged vertical maw in place of a stomach, more bestial and less insectoid jaws. Gameplay video features …

Diablo 4 Water Crystals

Diablo 4 Drowned Witch Geysers, water crystals, & waves Drowned Witch ability The Drowned Witch has a few special attacks at her disposal, including hitting the player with geysers and waves, and having her Drowned Wretches lob hard-hitting water crystals at you: “The Sea Witch has a wave attack and geysers that come out. Even …

Diablo 4 Geysers waves

Diablo 4 Drowned Witch Geysers, water crystals, & waves Drowned Witch ability The Drowned Witch has a few special attacks at her disposal, including hitting the player with geysers and waves, and having her Drowned Wretches lob hard-hitting water crystals at you: “The Sea Witch has a wave attack and geysers that come out. Even …

Diablo 4 Drowned Witch – Merinth of the Deep

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Merinth of the Deep, Drowned Witch is a Drowned monster that appears in the Drowning Caverns. Merinth of the Deep, Drowned Witch Diablo IV Merinth Of The Deep, Drowned Witch is a Boss in Diablo 4. Merinth Of The Deep, Drowned Witch is located at the Drowning Caverns. Bosses are …

Diablo 4 Exploding blood sacs attack

Diablo 4 Blood Bishop Exploding blood sacs attack Blood Bishop ability The Blood Bishop also creates a system of arteries and veins in which a handful of blood sacs are formed. These blood sacs pulsate for a period of time until they burst, inflicting damage to nearby players. “We wanted to double down on a …

Diablo 4 Vein grab attack

Diablo 4 Blood Bishop Vein grab attack Blood Bishop ability At some points in combat, the Blood Bishop will lash out at the player with his veins, as if they were hands, and grab the player. While the player is held, blood is seen spurting from the player. The Blood Bishop grabbing a Druid with …

Diablo 4 Blood Bishop

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Blood Bishop Diablo IV The Blood Bishop is an boss in Diablo IV. He utilizes blood magic. The Blood Bishop is fought in the Monolith of the Bloodmancer. The Blood Bishop utilizes a tentacle attack, though is primarily a caster that can cast direct damage and AOE ‘bombs’ for area …

Diablo 4 Andariel

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Collector of demons’ heads Andariel was last seen in Diablo 2, but, according to Blizzard, will be making a big comeback in Diablo 4. She’s one of the four Lesser Evils of Diablo lore, along with Azmodan, Belial, and Duriel. Not much is known about where she’ll appear in the …

Diablo 4 Final Boss

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Final Boss Diablo IV Diablo Lilith Lilith is taking center stage early in Diablo 4’s storyline, but Diablo will likely appear later. The main villain of Diablo 4, Mephisto’s daughter has been resurrected to spread misery. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: …

Diablo 4 Bosses List

Diablo 4 will feature a mix of familiar bosses (e.g., Andariel and Duriel) and newcomers (e.g., Blood Biship and Drowned Witch). Each has a few unique special attacks. Also, each boss has distinct injury and death animations that should feel rewarding to victorious player. Massive bosses, called World Bosses, randomly spawn in Sanctuary and require …

Diablo 4 Spiked club smash

Spiked club smash Treasure Beast ability The Treasure Beast’s most basic attack (but still likely causing a ton of damage) is smashing its spiked club onto players. The Treasure Beast’s spiked club attack can likely one-shot some players Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: z123). Cheap D2R …

Diablo 4 Spewing lava

Spewing lava Treasure Beast ability Occasionally, the Treasure Beasts vomits a scorching lava-like substance from its mouth in an attempt to burn nearby players. It’s possible that this signifies the Treasure Beast is injured as well. Treasure Boss spewing lava on players Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off …

Diablo 4 Exploding lava rocks

Exploding lava rocks Treasure Beast ability The Treasure Beast can summon about ten steaming lava rocks around it: About ten lava rocks appear around the Treasure Boss After a period of time or by being smashed by the Trasure Beast’s crate (we’re not sure which), the lava rocks explode and form pools of lava that …

Diablo 4 Loot crate swing

Loot crate swing Treasure Beast ability Perhaps the Treasure Beast’s most iconic attack is swinging its large loot crate, which is attached to a chain, in a circular motion. We expect this to cause massive damage to any players in the way of the crate. The Treasure Boss’s loot crate about to hit a Necromancer …

Diablo 4 Portal teleportation

Portal teleportation Treasure Beast ability Periodically during combat, the Treasure Beast opens a portal that it quickly steps into. A second passes before a new portal opens in a random spot close to the players and the Treasure Beast steps out. For players, this makes finding a safe place to stand difficult. Treasure Boss entering …

Diablo 4 Treasure Beast

The Treasure Beast is one of three Diablo 4 world bosses. Diablo 4 Bosses Treasure Beast Horned beast with loot crate The Treasure Beast is the second of three world bosses announced for Diablo 4’s launch (Ashava was the first, with the third being unknown). It’s a massive, horned beast that randomly spawns around Sanctuary. …

Diablo 4 World Boss

List of Diablo 4 Bosses Ashava and World Bosses Diablo IV If you got your hands on our BlizzCon demo or watched our gameplay trailer closely, you may have noticed a massive new addition: Ashava. Ashava, the first of our new World Bosses, is an ancient demon lurking below Sanctuary who will take more than …

Diablo 4 Ashava, The Pestilent Boss

Ashava The Pestilent is a World Boss in Diablo 4. Ashava The Pestilent is located at Caen Adar north of Corbach. Bosses are special Enemies that can be defeated to complete Quests, progress through the game and to acquire special Equipment. Diablo 4 Bosses Ashava, The Pestilent Diablo IV If you got your hands on …

Diablo 4 Thul Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Thul Rune Thul is an Effect Rune in Diablo 4. Effect Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment. If a Condition Runes on the same item is triggered, the Effect Rune will also trigger if the conditions are met. When socketed, Thul provides: “When active, gain 500 damage barrier”. …

Diablo 4 Ist Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Ist Rune Ist is an Effect Rune in Diablo 4. Effect Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment. If a Condition Runes on the same item is triggered, the Effect Rune will also trigger if the conditions are met. When socketed, Ist provides: “When active, your next thorns hit …

Diablo 4 Sol Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Sol Rune Sol is an Effect Rune in Diablo 4. Effect Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment. If a Condition Runes on the same item is triggered, the Effect Rune will also trigger if the conditions are met. When socketed, Sol provides: “When active, gain a random shrine …

Diablo 4 Dol Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Dol Rune Dol is an Effect Rune in Diablo 4. Effect Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment. If a Condition Runes on the same item is triggered, the Effect Rune will also trigger if the conditions are met. When socketed, Dol provides: “When active, gain 50% critical strike …

Diablo 4 Eld Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Eld Rune Eld is a Condition Rune in Diablo 4. Condition Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment, and they will provide with a condition for activating another socked rune. When socketed, Eld provides: “When you are stunned or frozen, activate the next socketed rune”. Icon Name Effect Eld …

Diablo 4 Fal Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Fal Rune Fal is a Condition Rune in Diablo 4. Condition Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment, and they will provide with a condition for activating another socked rune. When socketed, Fal provides: “When a pet dies, activate the next socketed rune”. Icon Name Effect Fal When a …

Diablo 4 Eth Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Eth Rune Eth is a Condition Rune in Diablo 4. Condition Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment, and they will provide with a condition for activating another socked rune. When socketed, Eth provides: “Every 3 seconds without moving, activate the next socketed rune”. Icon Name Effect Eth Every …

Diablo 4 Vex Rune

Diablo 4 Runes Diablo IV Vex Rune Vex is a Condition Rune in Diablo 4. Condition Runes can be inserted on any socketed equipment, and they will provide with a condition for activating another socked rune. When socketed, Vex provides: “When you use a healing potion, activate the next socketed rune” Icon Name Effect Vex …

Diablo 4 Runes

Runes are back and better than ever! Runes in Diablo IV translate to another layer of gear customization. They come in two types: Conditions and Effects. It’s as easy as socketing in one Condition and one Effect to create your own Legendary power. There will be a great variety of both types of Runes and …

Diablo 4 Console Crossplay

Diablo 4 will have cross-platform play. A player on an Xbox console will be able to match with their friend on the PC, in a move that symbolizes Blizzard’s recent philosophy when it comes to its Battle.net service and the games hosted there. Q: Is Diablo IV coming to consoles? A: We are working with our partners to …

Diablo 4 Hardcore

Q: Will there be Hardcore? A: Yes! We’ve loved this feature ever since it started as a player-created and self-imposed challenge in the original Diablo. Hardcore mode returning Blizzard will bring back Hardcore mode (aka HC mode) in Diablo 4. When a character first dies in HC, the character is gone forever (i.e., permadeath) and the player …

Diablo 4 Season One Release Date

Season One Release Date Diablo 4 The release date of Diablo 4 Season One is June 6, 2023. All Hell breaks loose 6.6.23. Q: Will there be Seasons? A: Yes! Seasons will be returning, and we’d like them to heavily impact your approach to gameplay. More details to come. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo …

Diablo 4 Clans

Players can create clans while in the game. Clans are a collective of players that group and slay demons together. Diablo 4 is similar to previous iterations of the franchise and give many options to define how your clan hacks and slashes the evils of Hell! Q: Will there be clans? A: Yes! Clans will be a …

Diablo 4 Trading Auction House

The game will not have an auction house. Will loot drops or trading be the best source of items? Blizzard wants to encourage trading in Diablo 4, especially given the open, shared world; however, it wants most of a character’s best items to come from monster drops Can Legendary and Unique items be traded? No. …

Diablo 4 Monsters of Sanctuary

You know where you’re going to kill things, and how you’re going to kill them. But what, exactly, is threatening you? Let’s look at some of the enemies you can expect to face in Diablo IV. Monster Families To breathe new and realistic life into the world of Sanctuary, we’re taking a fundamentally new approach …

Diablo 4 Dark Ravine

Dark Ravine is a Dry Steppes dungeon in Diablo IV. Completing it grants players the Aspect of Might. Aspect Name Category Aspect Power Dungeon Region Aspect of Might Defensive Basic Skills grant 25% Damage Reduction for 4.0 seconds. Dark Ravine Dry Steppes Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off …

Diablo 4 Keyed Dungeon

Keyed Dungeons are a gameplay feature of Diablo IV. Keyed Dungeons introduce greater challenges as their tiers increase through dungeon affixes. The majority of dungeons are real places in the world, and players will know some information about them including what types of monsters, events, and layouts to expect. With this information, as well as …

Diablo 4 Dungeons Rewards List

Dungeons are a gameplay feature of Diablo IV. Dungeons remain randomized, similar to previous titles. New features have been implemented, such as seamless floor transitions, as well as transition scenes. These are scenes that allow the developers to connect two different tile-sets together in the same dungeon, while keeping it randomized. Over 150 dungeons will …

Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons

Dungeons remain randomized, similar to previous titles. New features have been implemented, such as seamless floor transitions, as well as transition scenes. These are scenes that allow the developers to connect two different tile-sets together in the same dungeon, while keeping it randomized. Over 150 dungeons will feature in the game. Some dungeons are tied …

Diablo 4 Party Size

Diablo 4 Party Size & Base Mechanics Generally, it is an advantage to group up as party with friends on characters with similar power levels. The life and damage done by monsters in the Open World does not scale with the amount of players. However the life and damage done by Monsters in Dungeons (instances with a …

Diablo 4 Sorcerer

The Sorceress shapes the elements into whatever form is necessary to ensure victory, from hurling bolts of lightning, impaling her foes upon jagged spikes of ice, and raining flaming meteors down from the sky. Sorcerer Starting Stats 10 Intelligence 8 Willpower 7 Strength Dexterity Diablo 4 Sorcerer Skills Minor Destruction Skills – Zero cost mana …

Diablo 4 Rogue

The Rogue is an adaptable, agile warrior who can specialize in ranged or close quarters combat. She can best any foe with her imbued weapons, perform powerful combo attacks, and can augment her arsenal with deadly poisons and shadow magic to slay demons with impunity. Rogue Starting Stats 10 Dexterity 8 Willpower 7 Strength Intelligence …

Diablo 4 Necromancer

Necromancers are cunning summoners that conjure vengeful hordes of the undead. Their Essence flows into three powerful bastions of Bone, Blood, or Shadow to bring low their enemies. Necromancer Resources The Necromancer has two resources. Essence and Corpses. Essence Essence is the primary resource that recharges slowly over time. Essence can also be obtained using …

Diablo 4 Druid

The Druid is a savage shapeshifter, fluidly transforming between the forms of a towering bear or a vicious werewolf to fight alongside the creatures of the wild. He also commands the power of earth, wind, and storm, unleashing nature’s wrath to devastating effect. The Druid is returning to Diablo IV but was first introduced in …

Diablo 4 Barbarian

The Barbarian has unparalleled strength and expertly wields an entire arsenal in battle, with a weapon for every occasion. He bellows intimidating war cries and unleashes ground-shaking slams to send approaching hordes reeling. Suited Playstyle Tank with vast damage Berserking – Buff of 25% increased damage and 30% movement speed. Quick movement skills Damage while …

Diablo 4 Fields of Hatred

Fields of Hatred are corrupted areas of the world making them PvP zones. Born from their contempt of mortals, Mephisto has cursed specific areas of Sanctuary, transforming them into deadly Fields of Hatred. These designated PvP zones are the proving grounds for players looking to bring renown to their name through blood and zeal. You …

Diablo 4 Seeds of Hatred

Seeds of hatred are part of Diablo 4’s PvP eng-game system. Seeds of Hatred are acquired inside the Fields of Hatred zones from monsters you have killed. The seeds will be dropped if you are killed in PvP combat and acquired by the other player on your death. Seeds can be converted to Red Dust at the …

Diablo 4 Red Dust

Diablo 4 Currency Diablo 4 will feature numerous currencies which are used in different ways in Sanctuary. Seeds of Hatred can be converted to Red Dust at the Altar of Extraction. Once converted, Red Dust cannot be stolen from you if you are killed in PvP combat. Red Dust Red Dust is part of Diablo …

Diablo 4 Murmuring Obols

Diablo 4 Currency Diablo 4 will feature numerous currencies which are used in different ways in Sanctuary. Murmuring Obols Murmuring Obols can be used at the Purveyor of Curiosities and are used for gambling purposes. Murmuring Obols are acquired by completing events throughout Sanctuary. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items …

Diablo 4 Gold

Diablo 4 Currency Diablo 4 will feature numerous currencies which are used in different ways in Sanctuary. Gold Gold is the basic currency as it was in the previous games in the series. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: z123). Cheap D2R Ladder Items, D2R Items for …

Diablo 4 Currency

Diablo 4 will feature numerous currencies which are used in different ways in Sanctuary. Gold Gold is the basic currency as it was in the previous games in the series. Murmuring Obols Murmuring Obols can be used at the Purveyor of Curiosities and are used for gambling purposes. Murmuring Obols are acquired by completing events …

Diablo 4 PvP

Battles take a turn when you enter PvP zones. Mark yourself as “hostile” and these high-risk, high-reward areas of Sanctuary allow you to take a swing at other players for their valuable loot. But be warned. This also opens you up to being swung at. Diablo players have been hankering for a solid PvP system …

Diablo 4 Altars of Lilith

Throughout Sanctuary, players will discover Altars of Lilith. Altars of Lilith can permanently increase a specific character stat. These are great way to improve your character if you can find them. They can be well hidden and require some exploration. Altar of Lilith Rewards Each altar can provide one of the following. +2 Dexterity +2 …

Diablo 4 Lilith

Lilith is the main protagonist in Diablo 4 and features in the main Diablo 4 cinematic. Diablo 4 Visual Appearance Lilith’s visual appearance is somewhat more refined than we have seen in Diablo 2 which was simply another version of her daughter Andariel. Her striking stature and wings stood out in the Diablo 4 cinematic …

Diablo 4 Renown

The Renown system is a way for characters to progress in the game boosting reputation in each of the game’s five zones. Blizzard has added a Renown system to the game to encourage players to explore the world of Sanctuary. The Renown rewards are an incentive to do so. By completing objectives, players can earn …

Diablo 4 Cannibals

Blizzard’s lore described the Cannibal family of monsters as follows: “Corpses riddled with bite marks. Splintered bones scraped clean of marrow. Tongues sawed off and eyes gouged out of their skulls. These are the bloody fingerprints the Cannibals leave behind—if they leave behind anything at all. No one is certain where they come from, but …

Diablo 4 The Ruins of Qara-Yisu

The Ruins of Qara-Yisu camp is described as “Salt-covered ruins of a town afflicted by an ancient curse”. Raided by Cannibals, the people made a “dark bargain” to push them back. The cost of that bargain was a curse on the villagers who were turned to salt. The town fell into ruin covered in the salt …

Diablo 4 Strongholds

Strongholds are areas in the game left in ruins following Malthael’s destruction of humanity. Over time, these camps have become inhabited by foul creature and bandits. Strongholds can be found within the open-world. These Strongholds can be cleansed by players and restored to provide players with waypoints and NPCs. Strongholds will have a fixed location …

Diablo 4 Scosglen

Diablo 4 World Map Scosglen is a region in the northern part of the Eastern Continent of Sanctuary. The climate there is probably cold, judging from how far north it is (like the Barbarian Highlands). The region shares a border with the Dry Steppes to the south. Scosglen is also home to the ancient Druids, …

Diablo 4 Kejhistan

Diablo 4 World Map A great empire in the East which includes cities like Caldeum, Viz-jun, Ureh, and Kurast. Kehjistan covers almost one-third of Sanctuary’s eastern hemisphere. History But there was something else; Kehjistan’s geography was rife with nodes of magical energies, and eventually, those with innate, arcane abilities began to sense and recognize these …

Diablo 4 Hawezar

Diablo 4 World Map Hawezar is located to the east of the eastern continent of Sanctuary. Witches and zealots call this snake-infested swampland home, scouring the murky depths for ancient artifacts. The unaware will quickly find themselves in dire straits. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: z123). …

Diablo 4 Fractured Peaks

Diablo 4 World Map The Fractured Peaks is snowy and secluded, a sect of devout priests find refuge in the isolation of this high mountain range. They seek enlightenment while remaining unaware of the horrors that dwell in the dark cave complexes below. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% …

Diablo 4 Dry Steppes

Diablo 4 World Map Dry Steppes is one of the five regions to feature in Diablo IV, this dry barren landscape is a desperate place where the inhabitants fight for survival. A word of warning; the denizens of this land will do anything to survive, resorting to anything from petty banditry to savage cannibalism. The …

Diablo 4 World Map: Explore Sanctuary

Diablo IV World Map The world in which the Diablo is set is called Sanctuary, it’s the physical realm of the Diablo universe. Below you will find the Diablo world map with key locations relevant to the lore. Diablo IV promises to be a larger game world that will include more zones interlinked. The major …

Diablo 4 Unstoppable Evil

Diablo 4 Story Unstoppable Evil As darkness returns to Sanctuary, a brave few dare to face this threat. But what fate awaits them in a land forsaken by hope, valor, wisdom, and justice? Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: z123). Cheap D2R Ladder Items, D2R Items for …

Diablo 4 Daughter of Hatred

Diablo 4 Story Daughter of Hatred The daughter of Mephisto awakens burning urges in the hearts of those around her, be it demon, human or beast. Profound fears, unchecked rage, repressed impulses, sinful desires—all are brought forth violently and irresistibly by her mere presence. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items …

Diablo 4 Cult of Personality

Diablo 4 Story Cult of Personality The pious plead for guidance from their faith, but doubts have them feeling that their devotion is misplaced. Lilith’s return has spawned a new wave of cultists and worshippers, but regardless of dogma, all prayers remain unanswered. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% …

Diablo 4 A Reign of Enmity

Diablo 4 Story A Reign of Enmity Chaos threatens to consume Sanctuary as evil and impiety continue to spread. Depraved demons and corrupted wildlife roam the land unchecked, as terrified townsfolk huddle in dark corners trying to survive one more day. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: …

Diablo 4 Legends of Creation

Diablo 4 Story Legends of Creation An old legend has it that Sanctuary was created by the union of an angel and a demon, and that their descendants—humanity—built villages, then cities and empires, spreading across the land to form the world’s cultures and civilization. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items …

Diablo 4 Story So Far Leak Timeline

Diablo IV Story Timeline Meet Your Maker Lilith has returned to Sanctuary, summoned by a dark ritual after eons in exile. Her return ushers in an age of darkness and misery. 1. Legends of Creation An old legend has it that Sanctuary was created by the union of an angel and a demon, and that …

Diablo 4 News: Release Date Classes

Diablo 4 Release Date The release date of Diablo 4 is June 6, 2023. All Hell Breaks Loose 6.6.23. Platform: Windows, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. Cheap Diablo II: Resurrected Items U4GM: Buy Diablo 2 Resurrected items (5% off coupon: z123). Cheap D2R Ladder Items, D2R Items for Sale. Diablo …

限时活动 “猎人特训” — 火炬之光无限

-活动时间 2022/12/8 00:00 (UTC+8) ~ 2022/12/21 23:59 (UTC+8) -活动奖励 碎裂原晶、英雄纹章、意识灵晶 -参与条件 角色等级≥30级 -活动说明 1、从活动开启的第一天起,每天零点会刷新三个特训任务,完成特训任务可以获得一定数量的猎人勋章奖励,活动期间累积获得一定数量的猎人勋章可以解锁各种奖励 2、每日可以完成的特训任务有数量上限,每天零点会额外增加9个任务上限,任务上限最多累积至36个 3、猎人们可以手动刷新不想完成的特训任务来替换成新的任务,每日最多刷新3次 4、每日零点刷新的3个任务可以获得双倍数量的猎人勋章奖励,手动刷新后任务将不再拥有双倍奖励

WoW Dragonflight Tailoring Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Mysterious Banner The Waking Shores /way 74.7 37.9 Wingrest Embassy, fluttering on top of one of the buildings a bit to the south. Itinerant Singed Fabric The Waking Shores /way 25.2 69.7 Dragonbane Keep. When doing the Siege of Dragonbane Keep, this is just outside the cave where the end …

WoW Dragonflight Leatherworking Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Poacher’s Pack The Waking Shores /way 39 86 Next to a dead Vulpera laying beside the riverbed Spare Djaradin Tools The Waking Shores /way 64.3 25.4 Tools lying next to dead red dragon. Wind-Blessed Hide Ohn’ahran Plains /way 86.4 53.7 Inside Shikaar Highlands Centaur camp Well-Danced Drum The Azure Span …

WoW Dragonflight Jewelcrafting Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Closely Guarded Shiny The Waking Shores /way 50.4 45.1 Right before a waterfall, look for a beaver’s nest. Underneath the tree cover next to the nest is a blue gem. Igneous Gem The Waking Shores /way 33.9 63.7 Dragonbane Keep, locked behind a minigame. Click 3 different crystals on small …

WoW Dragonflight Inscription Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Sign Language Reference Sheet Ohn’ahran Plains /way 85.7, 25.2 Timberstep Outpost, hanging on tent entrance Dusty Darkmoon Card The Azure Span /way 46.2 23.9 Cobalt Assembly, inside a building on an upper level. Frosted Parchment The Azure Span /way 43.7 30.9 Behind an Arcane Commander. Pulsing Earth Rune Valdrakken /way …

WoW Dragonflight Engineering Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Boomthyr Rocket The Waking Shores /way 56.0 44.9 Concord Observatory, north of Ruby Life Pools flight point, high up with pillar-like buildings. Need to pick up 4 different items mentioned in the notes in front of the rocket. Ashes are in the same building; other 3 items are in the …

WoW Dragonflight Enchanting Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Enriched Earthen Shard The Waking Shores /way 21 45 Inside the mountain (need cave entrance coordinates please!) Flashfrozen Scroll The Waking Shores /way 57.5 83.6 Flashfrozen Enclave, in frozen cave system Lava-Infused Seed The Waking Shores /way 68.0 26.8 Scalecracker Keep, next to a lava flower in a flower. Enchanted …

WoW Dragonflight Blacksmithing Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Ancient Monument The Waking Shores /way 22.0 87.0 Apex Canopy; four yellow Enchanted Bulwarks surrounding a sword on a pedestal Curious Ingots The Waking Shores /way 65.5 25.7 Scalecracker Keep, ingot on the ground near a big hut next to a forge Molten Ingot The Waking Shores /way 35.5 64.3 …

WoW Dragonflight Alchemy Treasures

Item Name Zone Coords Notes Well Insulated Mug The Waking Shores /way 25.1 73.3 Dragonbane Keep, near the entrance to the event boss. Collectible mug is between a lot of elite trash. Frostforged Potion The Waking Shores /way 55 81 Middle of the Icy Crater Experimental Decay Sample The Azure Span /way 16.4 38.5 North …

WoW Chrono-Lord Deios Dragonflight Boss

Chrono-Lord Deios – While the Dragon Queen seeks to restore the Aspects’ powers, there are others among dragonkind who do not want to see Alexstrasza’s plan succeed. Chrono-Lord Deios intends for his flight to control the timeways and to usher in the coming of the one true Aspect, whose dominion shall be… Infinite. Location: Uldaman. …

WoW Emberon Dragonflight Boss

Emberon – Titan vaults are infamous for their intricate defenses, and the halls of Uldaman are no exception. Forged by the skilled hands of Keeper Archaedas long ago, Emberon was imbued with the ability to unleash searing flames upon any who seek to plunder the titans’ secrets. Location: Uldaman. Emberon Boss Guide in Uldaman: Legacy …

WoW Sentinel Talondras Dragonflight Boss

Sentinel Talondras – Talondras is one of the refti, a titan-forged race crafted by Keeper Tyr to work in harmony with dragonkind. Fiercely loyal to their maker, the refti were sometimes sent to distant shores to carry out important missions. Sentinel Talondras was charged with defending the route to the disc holding Tyr’s memories, and …

WoW Bromach Dragonflight Boss

Bromach – The burly Bromach is chieftain of the Stonevault troggs, a brutal bunch who believe that Uldaman’s treasures belong to them. While Bromach has a particular distaste for meddling dwarves, he’s determined that no outsiders will get past him. Location: Uldaman. Bromach Boss Guide in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Important Bromach Trash Tips and …

WoW The Lost Dwarves Dragonflight Boss

The Lost Dwarves – The quest for ancient knowledge, untold riches, and worldwide fame has lured brothers Eric, Olaf, and Baelog into the depths of Uldaman once again. But it seems these brazen explorers may have stayed underground a bit too long, as their scrambled senses are preventing them from recognizing whether someone is friend… …

WoW Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Loot Drops Rewards

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Loot Armor and Weapons The Lost Dwarves Type Item Stats Off-Hand Stout Shield STR-INT Crit/Mast Plate Head Old Seafarer’s Headpiece STR-INT Crit/Haste Mail Wrist Fierce Boreal Armguards INT-AGI Haste/Mast Cloth Waist Lost Hero’s Waist Wrap INT Haste/Mast Leather Feet Treads of the Swift AGI-INT Crit/Mast Bromach Type Item Stats One-Hand Unearthed …

WoW Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Achievements

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Achievements Achievement Description Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr. Heroic: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Mythic or Mythic Keystone …

WoW Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein Dragonflight Boss

Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein – Kyrakka and Erkhart roam the skies above the Ruby Life Pools coordinating attacks on the shrine below, while also taking out any interfering dragons. If left unchecked they burn the Life Pools to the ground and blow the remaining ash away in a cleansing elemental storm. Location: Ruby Life Pools. …

WoW Kokia Blazehoof Dragonflight Boss

Kokia Blazehoof – As Primalist forces assault the Ruby Life Pools from all sides, it falls to Kokia and her Blazebound lieutenants to capture precious eggs from overwhelmed defenders, all while spreading flame and havoc as they go. Location: Ruby Life Pools. Important Kokia Blazehoof Trash Tips and Tricks This ring area requires you to …

WoW Melidrussa Chillworn Dragonflight Boss

Melidrussa Chillworn – Melidrussa Chillworn leads the Primalist infusion efforts in the Ruby Life Pools. Her fervent belief is that she is protecting young dragon eggs from the influence of the titans and cleansing them from the stain of Order magic. She will stop at nothing to fulfill her calling and return the eggs to …

WoW Ruby Life Pools Loot Drops Rewards

Ruby Life Pools Loot Armor and Weapons Melidrussa Chillworn Type Item Stats Two-Hand Chillworn’s Infusion Staff INT Crit/Mast Leather Hands Subjugator’s Chilling Grips AGI-INT Crit/Vers Mail Legs Egg Tender’s Leggings AGI-INT Haste/Vers Plate Feet Scaleguard’s Stalwart Greatboots STR-INT Vers/Mast Kokia Blazehoof Type Item Stats One-Hand Havoc Crusher AGI Crit/Haste Off-Hand Kokia’s Burnout Rod INT Crit/Mast …

WoW Ruby Life Pools Achievements

Ruby Life Pools Achievements Achievement Description Ruby Life Pools Defeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein in Ruby Life Pools. Heroic: Ruby Life Pools Defeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein in Ruby Life Pools on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: Ruby Life Pools Defeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein in Ruby Life Pools on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. …

WoW Balakar Khan Dragonflight Boss

Balakar Khan – Balakar Khan is the ruthless leader of Clan Nokhud. His stormcasters have captured the great eagle spirit Ohn’ahra, and he wants to seize the Windmother’s power. Hatred unites his clan against all “outsiders.” As the relentless offensive continues, someone must stand up to this tyrant. Location: The Nokhud Offensive. Balakar Khan Boss …

WoW Teera and Maruuk Dragonflight Boss

Teera and Maruuk – Ukhel necromancers are resurrecting legendary centaur. The spirits of the first matriarch, Teera, and the centaur’s greatest warrior, Maruuk, have risen from their graves. Once their fury has abated, perhaps they can find rest again… and eternal peace. Location: The Nokhud Offensive. Teera and Maruuk Boss Guide in The Nokhud Offensive …

WoW The Raging Tempest Dragonflight Boss

The Raging Tempest – Violent storm winds ravage the Ohn’ahran plains. Balakar’s stormcasters have coalesced the tempest’s fury into an avatar of the storm. The Raging Tempest continues to gather power, not just to devastate the battlefield but the entire Dragon Isles. Unchecked, Primalist chaos will reign on the plains. Location: The Nokhud Offensive. The …

WoW Granyth Dragonflight Boss

Granyth – Granyth casts his shadow over the plains of Ohn’ahra, appearing as an omen of death and destruction. As battles between centaur clans rage across the plains, he knows it is time to destroy his ancient enemies once and for all. Soon he will land on the battlefield. Clan Shikaar’s ballistae will be ready. …

WoW The Nokhud Offensive Loot Drops Rewards

The Nokhud Offensive Loot Armor and Weapons Granyth Type Item Stats Two-Hand Quarryslayer Glaive STR Crit/Vers Leather Head Stoneroot Headdress AGI-INT Haste/Mast Cloth Shoulder Drake Hunter Shoulderpads INT Vers/Mast Mail Wrist Shikaar Ranger Bracers AGI-INT Haste/Mast Plate Legs Drake Hunter’s Greaves STR-INT Haste/Mast The Raging Tempest Type Item Stats Two-Hand Staff of Violent Storms INT …

WoW The Nokhud Offensive Achievements

The Nokhud Offensive Achievements Achievement Description The Nokhud Offensive Defeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive. Heroic: The Nokhud Offensive Defeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: The Nokhud Offensive Defeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. Keystone Hero: The Nokhud Offensive Complete …

WoW Warlord Sargha Dragonflight Boss

Warlord Sargha – Leader of the Qalash djaradin, Warlord Sargha has been in search of anything that would increase the power of her clan and help take down their draconic enemies. In the hoard at the heart of Neltharus, she may have found exactly what the djaradin need. Location: Neltharus. Important Warlord Sargha Trash Tips …

WoW Magmatusk Dragonflight Boss

Magmatusk – The djaradin discovered many of Neltharion’s secrets while plundering Neltharus. An experimental potion gone awry created Magmatusk, a behemoth of a mammoth bent on sheer destruction. Location: Neltharus. Important Magmatusk Trash Tips and Tricks Watch out for the frontal cast Volcanic Guard from Qalashi Warden. It is slow to go off, but will …

WoW Forgemaster Gorek Dragonflight Boss

Forgemaster Gorek – As one of the Djaradin’s most distinguished craftsmen, Forgemaster Gorek now resides in his sweltering chamber of the black dragon barracks. There, he harnesses the igneous power of the massive forge to construct deadly weaponry. Location: Neltharus. Important Forgemaster Gorek Trash Tips and Tricks Qalashi Lavabearer will cast Throw Lava, which will …

WoW Chargath, Bane of Scales Dragonflight Boss

Chargath, Bane of Scales – This veteran dragon hunter’s title was given ages ago as a mark of legend. While the Qalashi hunters under his command train, he plans their next offensive and awaits with eager anticipation the opportunity to display his expertise. Location: Neltharus. Important Chargath Trash Tips and Tricks Interrupt the Ember Reach …

WoW Neltharus Loot Drops Rewards

Neltharus Loot Armor and Weapons Chargath, Bane of Scales Type Item Stats One-Hand Dragonscale Ripper AGI Crit/Vers Mail Wrists Obsidian-Hardened Wraps AGI-INT Crit/Vers Plate Feet Pristine Magma Stompers STR-INT Crit/Haste Finger Scalebane Signet STA Crit/Mast Forgemaster Gorek Type Item Stats One-Hand Forgestorm STA Crit/Haste Off-Hand Irontorch Igniter INT Crit/Haste Mail Chest Emberguard Harness AGI-INT Haste/Mast …

WoW Neltharus Achievements

Neltharus Achievements Achievement Description Neltharus Defeat Warlord Sargha in Neltharus. Heroic: Neltharus Defeat Warlord Sargha in Neltharus on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: Neltharus Defeat Warlord Sargha in Neltharus on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. Keystone Hero: Neltharus Complete Neltharus at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit. Liquid Hot Magma Defeat Magmatusk …

WoW The Azure Vault Loot Drops Rewards

The Azure Vault Loot Armor and Weapons Leymor Type Item Stats Two-Hand Ley-Line Tracer STR Haste/Mastery Mail Shoulders Spaulders of Wild Growth AGI-INT Crit/Mast Cloth Wrist Infused Elemental Bands INT Crit/Vers Leather Waist Cinch of Forgotten Duty AGI-INT Crit/Haste Finger Unstable Arcane Loop STA Crit/Haste Azureblade Type Item Stats One-Hand Horizon Splitter AGI Haste/Vers One-Hand …

WoW The Azure Vault Achievements

The Azure Vault Achievements Achievement Description The Azure Vault Defeat Umbrelskul in The Azure Vault. Heroic: The Azure Vault Defeat Umbrelskul in The Azure Vault on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: The Azure Vault Defeat Umbrelskul in The Azure Vault on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. Keystone Hero: The Azure Vault Complete The Azure Vault …

WoW Algeth’ar Academy Loot Drops Rewards

Algeth’ar Academy Loot Armor and Weapons Vexamus Type Item Stats One-Hand Spellbane Cutlass STR Haste/Vers One-Hand Spellboon Saber INT Haste/Mastery Off-Hand Vexamus’ Expulsion Rod INT Crit/Haste Finger Platinum Star Band STA Crit/Mast Overgrown Ancient Type Item Stats Two-Hand Algeth’ar Hedgecleaver STR Vers/Mast One-Hand Mystakra’s Harvester AGI Crit/Vers Back Potion-Stained Cloak AGI-INT-STR Haste/Vers Leather Wrists Frenzyroot …

WoW Echo of Doragosa Dragonflight Boss

Echo of Doragosa – Headteacher Doragosa thought of everything when it came to Algeth’ar Academy. Including a complex simulacrum of herself to take care of any day to day tasks and upkeep while the Isles lay dormant. Now that the Academy is open once again, perhaps she can use it to help keep track of …

WoW Crawth Dragonflight Boss

Crawth – The Lish Llrath, or Talon Toss, arena is quite literally for the birds these days. Crawth has taken up residence in the center of the arena and has no immediate plans to move out soon. Let’s see if we can get her to play ball… and leave. Location: Algeth’ar Academy. Crawth Trash Tips …

WoW Overgrown Ancient Dragonflight Boss

Overgrown Ancient – Professors Mystakria and Ichistrasz have used just a touch too much magic in an effort to clear the botany labs. Now they have a big, leafy problem on their hands in the form of an Overgrown Ancient that threatens to undo all their hard work. Location: Algeth’ar Academy. Overgrown Ancient Trash Tips …

WoW Vexamus Dragonflight Boss

Vexamus – As one of the most tenured professors in the academy, Maxdormu uses his powers as a bronze dragon to help bring his history lessons to life. While this proves to be quite an educational and fun experience, it can occasionally go awry. Vexamus is one of Professor Maxdormu’s favorite lessons, but if any …

WoW Algeth’Ar Academy Achievements

Algeth’ar Academy Achievements Achievement Description Algeth’ar Academy Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth’ar Academy. Heroic: Algeth’ar Academy Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth’ar Academy on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: Algeth’ar Academy Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth’ar Academy on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. Keystone Hero: Algeth’ar Academy Complete Algeth’ar Academy …

WoW Brackenhide Hollow Loot Drops Rewards

Brackenhide Hollow Loot Armor and Weapons Hackclaw’s War-Band Type Item Stats Two-Hand Ancestral Stoneshaper INT Haste/Mast Two-Hand Poached Kalu’ak Spear AGI Crit/Haste Cloth Feet Ravenous Pursuer’s Footwraps INT Haste/Vers Finger Bloodied Wedding Ring STA Vers/Mast Treemouth Type Item Stats Two-Hand Bough of Deterioration STR Crit/Mast Cloth Head Mask of Imperishable Leaves INT Vers/Mast Mail Shoulders …

WoW Brackenhide Hollow Achievements

Brackenhide Hollow Achievements Achievement Description Brackenhide Hollow Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow. Heroic: Brackenhide Hollow Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: Brackenhide Hollow Defeat Decatriarch Wratheye in Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. Keystone Hero: Brackenhide Hollow Complete Brackenhide Hollow at Mythic Level 20 or higher, …

WoW Halls of Infusion Achievements

Halls of Infusion Achievements Achievement Description Halls of Infusion Defeat the Primal Tsunami in Halls of Infusion. Heroic: Halls of Infusion Defeat the Primal Tsunami in Halls of Infusion on Heroic difficulty or higher. Mythic: Halls of Infusion Defeat the Primal Tsunami in Halls of Infusion on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty. Keystone Hero: Halls …

WoW Halls of Infusion Loot Drops Rewards

Halls of Infusion Loot Armor and Weapons Watcher Irideus Type Item Stats Two-Hand Titan-Forged Blaster AGI Vers/ Mast Off-Hand Rod of Perfect Order INT Haste/ Mast Plate Hands Gauntlets of Incalculable Power STR-INT Crit/ Mast Leather Waist Watcher’s Clasp of Purpose AGI-INT Vers/ Mast Gulping Goliath Type Item Stats One-Hand Croaking Dagger AGI Crit/ Vers …

WoW Primal Tsunami Dragonflight Boss

Primal Tsunami – Infuser Sariya is driven to restore the world to what it once was: a primal elemental landscape of unfettered power. She has used all her will and cunning to summon the the Primal Tsunami, an elemental being mighty enough to topple Keeper Tyr’s facility and return the waters of the wellspring to …

WoW Khajin the Unyielding Dragonflight Boss

Khajin the Unyielding – Khajin the Unyeilding seethes with hatred for Keeper Tyr for tampering with the ancient wellspring beneath Tyrhold. Waters that once flowed with the eternal essence of Azeroth have been polluted by Order magic. Khajin would see the world freed from the malignant legacy of the titans… at any cost. Khajin the …

WoW Gulping Goliath Dragonflight Boss

Gulping Goliath – Deep within the caverns of the Halls of Infusion lurks the Gulping Goliath. Sire to countless generations of hornswogs, the Goliath and his brood have thrived upon the unprocessed waters of the wellspring. Driven by an insatiable hunger, he will eagerly devour any creature that strays too close to his lair. Gulping …

WoW Watcher Irideus Dragonflight Boss

Watcher Irideus – Tasked by Keeper Tyr to protect and maintain the Halls of Infusion, Watcher Irideus has performed his duties to perfection… until now. Caught off guard by the Primalists’ incursion, he was overwhelmed by the elemental forces they unleashed. A mistake he does not intend to make again. Watcher Irideus Boss Guide in …

WoW Decatriarch Wratheye Dragonflight Boss

Decatriarch Wratheye – Wratheye discovered decay magic in her thirst for power, and declared herself the Decatriarch after mastering it. She now builds the strength of the Brackenhide by spreading her dark magic among her tribe so the tuskarr, and all of the Azure Span, will rot in its wake. Decatriarch Wratheye Boss Guide in …

WoW Gutshot Dragonflight Boss

Gutshot – This sharpshooting gnoll has mastered the art of hunting, trapping, and killing her prey. Impressed by her abilities and cunning, the Decatriarch has assigned Gutshot to oversee and train the other hunters… and take out any interlopers that might venture too far into Brackenhide. Gutshot Boss Guide in Brackenhide Hollow Important Gutshot Trash …

WoW Treemouth Dragonflight Boss

Treemouth – Withered by decay, this once proud ancient has been dubbed Treemouth by the gnolls. As the rot settled into its branches, so too did it settle in the poor creature’s mind, leaving a creature bent on nothing more than the need to feed and spread decay. Treemouth Boss Guide in Brackenhide Hollow Important …

WoW Hackclaw’s War-Band Dragonflight Boss

Hackclaw’s War-Band – Rira Hackclaw and her compatriots, Gashtooth and Tricktotem, have risen up as a deadly war-band among the Brackenhide. Their tactics are the reason tuskarr never travel alone, and their strength is the reason Wratheye has them guarding the gate to the Hollow. Hackclaw’s War-Band Boss Guide in Brackenhide Hollow Important Hackclaw’s War-Band …

WoW Leymor Dragonflight Boss

Leymor – Leymor was born of a humble seedling that Malygos found in a pool of ley energy. Once but a small sprout in Sindragosa’s garden, over millenia Leymor has shot up like a weed. Left to its own devices, the looming giant would surely overrun the entirety of the Azure Vault. Important Leymor Trash …

WoW Azureblade Dragonflight Boss

Azureblade – As security for the Vault, Azureblade refused to leave when it was sealed, choosing duty over safety. When the blue dragons failed to return, her bitter resignation drove her to eventual madness. Extending her own life with the magics she was sworn to protect, Azureblade now claims ownership over all the blue dragonflight …

WoW Telash Greywing Dragonflight Boss

Telash Greywing – Furious at the blue dragonflight, Telash Greywing is determined to find the secrets that Sindragosa has been hiding in the Arcane Vault. Together with the Sundered Flame, he is certain he will discover more about the origins of the dracthyr… and incriminating evidence against the blue dragonflight. Important Telash Greywing Trash Tips …

WoW Umbrelskul Dragonflight Boss

Umbrelskul – Millenia ago, Umbreskul unwittingly meddled with raw arcane power. Riddled with crystalline growths, he was taken to the Azure Vault until a cure could be found. Sadly, the Vault was sealed away before the research was completed, leaving Umbrelskul sleeping in stasis… until now. Umbrelskul Tips and Strategy Oppressive Miasma is the main …

WoW Dragonflight Dungeons Level Requirements

Item Levels The item level of dropped gear depends on the difficulty of the dungeon and the level of the character. At level 70: Normal Dungeons drop Item Level 346 gear. Heroic Dungeons drops Item Level 359 gear. Mythic Dungeons drops Item Level 372 gear. To queue for Heroic Dungeons through the Dungeon Finder, you …

List of WoW Dragonflight Dungeons

There are four difficulties of Dungeon: Normal (60-70), Heroic (70), Mythic (70), and Mythic+ (70). There are eight dungeons in Dragonflight. Four are available for leveling, and the other four open at max level. Only four of these eight dungeons are available for Mythic+. Four legacy dungeons available at Mythic+ brings the Mythic+ total to …

WoW Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 1 Dungeons

The following eight dungeons are included in Mythic+ Season 1, four from Dragonflight, four from past expansions: Algeth’ar Academy Ruby Life Pools The Azure Vault The Nokhud Offensive Temple of the Jade Serpent — Mists of Pandaria Shadowmoon Burial Grounds — Warlords of Draenor Halls of Valor — Legion Court of Stars — Legion

WoW Uldaman Dungeon Entrance & Location

Uldaman Dungeon Entrance & Location Uldaman is located in the Eastern Kingdoms in the Badlands at /way 41.10 10.33

WoW Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Entrance & Location

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Entrance & Location Ruby Life Pools is located in the Waking Shores at /way 60.00 75.77

WoW The Nokhud Offensive Dungeon Entrance & Location

The Nokhud Offensive Dungeon Entrance & Location The Nokhud Offensive is located in Ohn’ahran Plains at /way 62.01 42.44

WoW Neltharus Dungeon Entrance & Location

Neltharus Dungeon Entrance & Location Neltharus is located in the Waking Shores at /way 25.57 56.95

WoW Halls of Infusion Dungeon Entrance & Location

Halls of Infusion Dungeon Entrance & Location Halls of Infusion is located in Thaldraszus at /way 59.24 60.64

WoW Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Entrance & Location

Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Entrance & Location Brackenhide Hollow is located in the Azure Span at /way 11.57 48.78

WoW Azure Vault Dungeon Entrance & Location

Azure Vault Dungeon Entrance & Location Azure Vault is located in the Azure Span at /way 38.89 64.76

WoW Algeth’ar Academy Dungeon Entrance & Location

Algeth’ar Academy Dungeon Entrance & Location Algeth’ar Academy is located in Thaldraszus at /way 58.28 42.35

限时恩赐活动“不灭王冠” – 火炬之光

限时恩赐活动“不灭王冠” 【活动公告】限时恩赐活动“不灭王冠” ■ 活动时间 2022年11月30日00:00 至 第一赛季结束 (UTC+8) ■ 活动内容 活动时间内开放限时恩赐活动“不灭王冠”,猎人可在以下四种契灵中选择一个以提高其在本次活动中的获取概率:获得传奇契灵时有50%概率获得指定的契灵。如果本次恩赐获取的传奇契灵非指定契灵,下次恩赐获取的传奇契灵必定为指定契灵。 传奇攻击契灵-雾蝎,外环词缀:周围只有1个敌人时,额外+20%攻击速度;周围至少有2个敌人时,+9%移动速度; 传奇法术契灵-捕星者,外环词缀:周围有精英敌人时,每秒+6%额外施法速度,最多+18%;周围有精英敌人时,每秒+3%移动速度,最多+9%;; 传奇生存契灵-苍蓝骑士,外环词缀:周围只有1个敌人时,额外-40%受到的物理伤害;额外-3%受到的伤害; 传奇持续契灵-歧路人,外环词缀:对被诅咒的敌人,额外+13%异常伤害;+23%诅咒效果; ※ 在该活动中,每10次恩赐必定获得稀有或以上品质的契灵。 ※ 其他详细规则,可以在游戏中活动界面点击“查看详情”了解。

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