Dark Dreams PoE

Bone Helmet(Elder Item) Divination Card: Dark Dreams

Dark Dreams is a divination card. A set of four can be exchanged for a randomly rolled rare Elder Bone Helmet.

  • 1x Dark Dreams = 1x random Bone Helmet(Elder Item)

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Dark Dreams

Dark Dreams Drop Location

Dark Dreams can be dropped in the following areas: 
Drops from Minara Anemina.

Minara Anemina:

Minara Anemina is a Witch rogue exile. Location(s): Wraeclast, level 16+ areas

Dark Dreams

The flavor text is great: No one ever truly understood what she meant when she said she wanted to raise a family.

I like this, was considering submitting this as ilvl 86 myself at one point (which would be very, very rare and probably a drop locked to certain endgame bosses).

80 allows most Elder level 20 supports, right? But no +3 minion levels which is 86+.

This (with a bit of crafting) will probably be a solid stepping stone item for a lot of people but will not fit into true endgame setups.

Dark Dreams drops from Minara Anemina (Minion Witch rogue exile)

Thanks for the tag. It’s great to know of a place it drops, finally. Shaped Glacier. I would hazard a guess it drops from any Witch Rogue Exile but only can confirm her so far. She’s the only one that summons minions afaik