Delights to Delve For – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Delights to Delve For
70 70 None
9,500 28 9 The Azure Span

Collect a Savory Deviant Dealfish.

Savory Deviant Dealfish slain (1)
Savory Deviant Dealfish (1)


Rumi and Morsel? Gosh, that was quite a long time ago now. Eating a fish with a dragon and duck chef duo sounds like the beginning of a tale Elder Poa might tell for the younglings. We’d be hard-pressed to forget such a happening! The fish was a Savory Deviant Dealfish, a top Tuskarr favorite! They’re rare, but found just off the coast here. Fair warning – it’s azuretooth mating season. Those bloodthirsty fiends will take a chunk out of you for messing with their favorite snack.


You will receive: 7 40 50

Captain’s Caramelized Catfish
Mantis Shrimp Cocktail


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(67066))

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