Diablo 4 Treasure Beast

The Treasure Beast is one of three Diablo 4 world bosses.

Treasure Beast Horned beast with loot crate

The Treasure Beast is the second of three world bosses announced for Diablo 4’s launch (Ashava was the first, with the third being unknown). It’s a massive, horned beast that randomly spawns around Sanctuary. In one arm, it wields a spiked club; in the other, is a loot crate tied to a chain.

Diablo 4 Treasure Beast

Treasure Beast gameplay footage

In a June 2022 video shared by Blizzard, we see a group of players from the open world face off against the giant Treasure Beast. As the Treasure Beast is spawning from an electric orange portal (if you’ve seen the Terminator movies, the effect is similar to how Terminators first appear in the present), the game’s camera pans out to show how large the world boss is. The players, representing all of the classes, charge the Treasure Beast, using their best attacks. In response, the Treasure Beast lashes back with its special abilities, the most notable being swinging its huge loot crate into players.

Open world players banding together to fight the Treasure Beast

Diablo 4 Gold, Items, Boosting

Treasure Beast special attacks

From the gameplay video above, the Treasure Beast shows off a handful of special abilities:

  • Portal teleportation

    Periodically during combat, the Treasure Beast opens a portal that it quickly steps into. A second passes before a new portal opens in a random spot close to the players and the Treasure Beast steps out. For players, this makes finding a safe place to stand difficult.

    Diablo 4 Portal teleportation

    Treasure Boss entering a portal to teleport elsewhere

  • Loot crate swing

    Perhaps the Treasure Beast’s most iconic attack is swinging its large loot crate, which is attached to a chain, in a circular motion. We expect this to cause massive damage to any players in the way of the crate.

    Diablo 4 Loot crate swing

    The Treasure Boss’s loot crate about to hit a Necromancer

  • Exploding lava rocks

    The Treasure Beast can summon about ten steaming lava rocks around it:

    Diablo 4 Exploding lava rocks

    About ten lava rocks appear around the Treasure Boss

    After a period of time or by being smashed by the Trasure Beast’s crate (we’re not sure which), the lava rocks explode and form pools of lava that damage any player running through them. These lava pools seem to persist for a while, making the battlefield harder to safely navigate.

    Diablo 4 Exploding lava rocksAfter a certain time or by being smashed, the lava rocks form fiery pits

  • Spewing lava

    Occasionally, the Treasure Beasts vomits a scorching lava-like substance from its mouth in an attempt to burn nearby players. It’s possible that this signifies the Treasure Beast is injured as well.

    Diablo 4 Spewing lava

    Treasure Boss spewing lava on players

  • Spiked club smash

    The Treasure Beast’s most basic attack (but still likely causing a ton of damage) is smashing its spiked club onto players.

    Diablo 4 Spiked club smash

    The Treasure Beast’s spiked club attack can likely one-shot some players

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