Doedre's Madness PoE

unique Doedre item Divination Card: Doedre’s Madness

Doedre’s Madness is a divination card. A set of nine can be exchanged for a random unique Doedre item.

  • 9x Doedre’s Madness = 1x unique Doedre item

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Doedre's Madness

Doedre Unique Items:

  • Doedre’s Damning
  • Doedre’s Scorn
  • Doedre’s Skin
  • Doedre’s Elixir
  • Doedre’s Tenure

Doedre’s Madness Drop Location — How to get it

Doedre’s Madness can be dropped in the following areas:

The Harvest (area) • Doedre’s Cesspool • Waste Pool Map. The Harvest (area): The Harvest is the final area of Act 4. It contains a waypoint and is connected to The Belly of the Beast Level 2. Its sub-area The Black Core is dedicated to the fight with Malachai, The Nightmare and can be accessed once the three other bosses have been defeated.

Doedre’s Madness found in Cruel Harvest.

Doedre’s Damning is ideal because the rolls don’t matter much and it’s generally more sought after than the others. Doedre’s Elixir is also a nice possibility considering its rarity was increased.

I’m debating how to farm the betrayal. I’m pretty sure it drops in all difficulties since I got one in cruel. It’s like do I farm in a lower difficulty to kill as fast as possible or in merc to at least get some ok experience for a bit

Doedre Stamatis

Doedre Stamatis was a thaumuturgist and Maligaro’s pupil. When Maligaro cut her tongue off, she embraced her loss and took on the surname Darktongue and took on an innovative mean of spellcasting — from the theme of items, presumably curses.

In the Western Forest players find a Proclamation in the center of the stone circle — a stone plaque with a description of the fault of the Doedre and the award for her punishment.


Doedre is battled several times in the storyline:

  • Doedre Darktongue in act 4
  • Doedre the Vile in act 8
  • Doedre, Darksoul in act 9

Furthermore she can be encountered in the following maps:

  • Doedre the Defiler in Sepulchre Map as a main boss
  • Prodigy of Hexes in Core Map as a minor boss

Related items

  • Doedre’s Damning
  • Doedre’s Elixir
  • Doedre’s Scorn
  • Doedre’s Tenure
  • Doedre’s Skin