Friendship PoE Divination Card

A Master Seeks Help (Niko) Divination Card: Friendship

Friendship is a divination card. A set of three can be exchanged for a prophecy: A Master Seeks Help (Niko).

  • 3x Friendship = 1x A Master Seeks Help (Niko)

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Farming Friendship Drop Location — How to get it

Friendship can be dropped in the following areas:

You can get it from monster: Argus.

A Master Seeks Help (Niko)

A Master Seeks Help is a prophecy and one of five prophecies that share the name ‘A Master Seeks Help’.

Objective: Finish a mission from Niko.

Friendship Div Card — PoE 3.9

It had been a long process with GGG, but it was such a good feeling to see the reveal of my divination card at Exilecon of all places! I thought I would pay homage to what assisted me in getting my first ever Shaper kill (Lighting Spire Trap).

There are a lot of cards like this that give gems 21, 23% quality or something like that. I think they will have to choose all the content associated with these cards, because a random number of links on a broken gem are worthless as cards. Many unique designs and div card designs have not been transferred to the new system in a 1:1 way. And you can’t just change them to 6L, or people will farm cards, jewelers will be worthless, or you will make cards infinitely rare without people disturbing them. Maybe they’ll be like we’ve been able to or can take six liters of broken gems and let us hold more nominal Vaal balls (plus thousands of jewelers) on the production stage, or integrate them into things like lenses (no Vaal balls , jewelers only). Then they can keep the cards as they are.