Grave Knowledge PoE

Summon Raging Spirit with 20% quality Divination Card: Grave Knowledge

Grave Knowledge is a divination card. A set of six can be exchanged for a Summon Raging Spirit with 20% quality.

  • 6x Grave Knowledge = 1x Summon Raging Spirit with 20% quality

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Grave Knowledge PoE

Farming Grave Knowledge Drop Location — How to get it

Grave Knowledge can be dropped in the following areas:

The Ossuary (Act 10) • Bone Crypt Map • Olmec’s Sanctum • Cursed Crypt Map

The Ossuary

The Ossuary (Act 10) is an area in Act 10. It is connected to The Ravaged Square. Vaal side area has a chance to spawn. There is a Trial of Ascendancy in this area.

Do Grave Knowledge really drop in Crypt 1?

They do drop in that zone. You shouldn’t farm for divination cards outside of maps, it just isn’t worth. (U probably shouldn’t farm them even in maps) I’ve farmed zones for simple cards before and never found a card I wanted. I recommend just buying the item or cards

You actually can farm div cards but not the rare ones unless you wanna do nothing else in your life again.