World of Warcraft Guild Control

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Guild Management Guild Control Guild Banks Create Guild Rules Guild Tips Guild Rank Permissions Positive Guild Behavior Guild Commands Guild Tabards

Guild Control

Select this button to edit guild ranks and set permissions for each rank.

Select "Guild Rank" to reach a screen/window where you will find the default ranks listed; you can stick with those, create your own ranks, or rename existing ranks.

Add Rank - Select the icon and type in the name of the rank you wish to add. It will be added to the bottom of the list. Select the guild rank dropdown menu and select the rank to modify the permissions for that rank. You can create up to 10 ranks.
Rename Rank - Select the rank you wish to modify via the dropdown menu. Now enter the new name of the rank in the "Rank Label" box to rename it.
Remove Rank - The icon appears if you have more than 5 ranks and if you have the last rank selected. There is a minimum of 5 ranks; you can't remove ranks beyond that.

Control Panel

Below the guild player listing you will find another area with a bunch of various buttons.

Group Invite - Select a player on the list, then hit this button to invite them into your party.
Guild Control - This will launch a control window pane where you can edit the ranks of the guild and set up permissions for each rank. This will be explained in detail further down the page.
Add Member - Press this button then enter the name of the player you wish to invite to the guild. Once they accept your invitation they will be added to the guild. If they do not accept you will have to invite again.

At the very bottom of the guild tab you will see:

Promote - Select a player on the list then hit "promote" to set their rank to a higher rank in the guild. A message will be sent to the entire guild that this player's rank has changed, so be careful when using it.
Demote - Select a player on the list and hit "demote" to demote that player one rank in the guild.
Remove - Select a player on the list and hit "Remove" to kick them out of the guild.

Guild Message of the Day - Select the trumpet to see the guild message of the day. Double-click on the text for the message of the day to edit it. Your current rank must be authorized in order to modify the message of the day. This message will be displayed to anyone in the guild that comes online.

Player Notes - Select a player; then hit the "Public Note" button to see any public notes on that player. Those notes will display to everyone in the guild. To edit these notes your rank must have permission under guild control.

Officer's Notes - Select a player; then hit the "Officer's Note" button to see or change any officer notes on that player. Only ranks authorized to view officers' notes can see these notes on the player. Officer notes are useful to put any secret information on that player that you want officers and authorized users to be aware of. For example perhaps a player is a troublemaker or has received a warning. You can place "This person has been a jerk lately so watch out for them." The other officers can see this warning and can take appropriate action if they see this player getting out of hand. Be careful as to which ranks you allow to see this information. Make sure you enter this information under officers' notes rather than public notes. To edit these notes, click on the text.
