World of Warcraft Leatherworking FAQ

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Which specialization should I chose

There is no right or wrong answer here. Some players focus on what is useful for themselves, while others focus on what will earn them the most in the auction house, still others focus on what is needed by the guild. In the end the best bet is to pick the one that suits your play style. If you are always making and selling items pick the one that sells in the auction house on your server. If you know you are rarely going to raid pick the one that suits your class best as you are not likely to get epic set items, so this will generate some of the best items you can get.

How do I make Leatherworking items

In your skills section, there will be a leatherworking icon, click it to bring up your list of patterns. If you have the required ingredients a number will show up beside the pattern, this is how many you can make of that item. I find it easiest if you put the icon on a hot bar.

What ingredients are used in Leatherworking

The primary ingredient in almost all leatherworking patterns is some type of leather or hide and thread. In addition some patterns use items such as: pearls, gems, scales, pieces of elements and much more. Some patterns also use ingredients made from other tradeskills such as iron buckles from blacksmiths, potions from alchemists, and cloth from tailors.

Is there a complete list of ingredients used in Leatherworking

Yes, we have compiled a complete list of all items used in leatherworking. It is current as of patch 1.8. You can find it here.

Why can't I make a Runic Leather Belt

You can only make those items which you have the patterns for. You are given some basic ones when you first start, but for the rest they have to be found on mobs, or buy from NPCs or other players. Some of the best patterns are only found as rare drops from high level instance dungeons. Also you can only use the patterns that you have the required level of skill in leatherworking for.

How do I increase my Leatherworking skill

Your increase your skill by creating leatherworking items of a progressing level of difficulty as explained in the next few points.

Why didn't my skill increase 30 points when I made 30 belts

Your skills increase only if you produce items that have a high difficulty rating. All production patterns are color coded for complexity.

What are the difficulty ratings for patterns

From easiest to hardest the color are gray, green, yellow, orange and red. Patterns that are red will never be in your list of patterns, but they are visible at the leatherworking trainers. Orange patterns will always increase your skill, yellow patterns sometimes increase your skill, green patterns will rarely increase your skill, and gray patterns will never increase your skill.

What is the best way to level Leatherworking

There are two main things to remember when trying to level your leatherworking skill. The first is to only make orange difficulty items whenever possible. Only make yellow difficulty items when they are significantly cheaper to produce than orange difficulty items.

The other secret to leveling leatherworking is to always create the item at each skill level that has the lowest ingredient cost. Always check all the recipes that you are able to make at the time and build the cheapest one. For example one item may require 10 light leather, while another requires 15. If they are the same difficulty rating, then you should always make the item requiring only 10 light leather. Our guide to leatherworking patterns is a great help in planning items to build to level as it shows when the item drops to green difficulty and not worth producing any more. Our guide can be found here or a downloadable PDF version of it here.

If you are looking for a way to "power" level your leatherworking skill, check out our Leatherworking Leveling Guide! We've found the easiest way to get your leatherworking up quickly!

Are there quests for Leatherworkers

Yes. Currently there are a few quests for Leatherworkers

A low level quest for the Alliance side from Lotherias in Darnassus in which she wants you to help her make leather goods. She needs the following: 1 Embossed Leather Glove, 5 Embossed Leather Boots and 5 Embossed Leather Cloaks. The reward is a moonglow breastplate pattern.

The equivalent low level leatherworking quest for the Horde is given out by the leatherworking trainer in Thunderbluff. Its reward is a kodo leather bag pattern (6 slot container). There is a third quest for both sides. It is given out by Ebru in the Wailing Caverns. Its reward is the Deviate scale belt pattern.

There are also the wild leather quests. These are a series of quests that reward you with additional leatherworking patterns. They begin with: Pratt McGrubben, in Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas for the Alliance, and Jangdor Swiftstrider, in Camp Mojache, Feralas for the Horde. The patterns that you are rewarded with are shown below. These wild leather quests are required for Tribal Leatherworking, however are available for all other Leatherworkers, regardless of specialization.
