Wrath Classic Light Within the Darkness

Light Within the Darkness

StartBridenbrad's Possessions
EndHighlord Tirion Fordring
World questNo
ReputationArgent Crusade +500
RewardsChoose one of:
[Bridenbrad's Sash]
[Belt of the Never-Forgotten]
[Chained Belt of Remembrance]
[Girdle of Eternal Memory]
[Signet of Bridenbrad]
22 20
PreviousThe Boon of A'dal

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Bring Crusader Bridenbrad's tabard to Highlord Tirion Fordring at Crusaders' Pinnacle.


<Crusader Bridenbrad's tabard rests in the bottom of the chest, shifting slightly as the howling wind finds its way in.>

Tirion will desire this last remnant of the great crusader.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
[Bridenbrad's Sash] [Belt of the Never-Forgotten]
[Chained Belt of Remembrance] [Girdle of Eternal Memory]
[Signet of Bridenbrad]

You will also receive: 22 20


He has departed, hasn't he? I felt a small bit of light leave the land.


I am glad that you were able to save him from undeath. With A'dal's blessing, he will know no evil in his afterlife.

We shall take heart in his shining example and in your selflessness. Thank you for all that you have done.

Quest progression

  1.  [80] A Tale of Valor
  2.  [80] A Hero Remains
  3.  [80] The Keeper's Favor
  4.  [80] Hope Within the Emerald Nightmare
  5.  [80] The Boon of Remulos
  6.  [80] Time Yet Remains
  7.  [80] The Touch of an Aspect
  8.  [80] Dahlia's Tears
  9.  [80] The Boon of Alexstrasza
  10.  [80] Hope Yet Remains
  11.  [80] The Will of the Naaru
  12.  [80] The Boon of A'dal
  13.  [80] Light Within the Darkness