WOW Restoration Druid Macros

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Restoration Macros
Remove Curse
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=targettarget, help] [target=player] Remove Curse

Cure Poison
/cast [target=mouseover, help] [target=targettarget, help] [target=player] Cure Poison

Abolish Poison / Remove Curse
/cast [modifier, target=mouseover, help] [button:2, target=mouseover, help] Remove Curse; [button:1, target=mouseover, help] Abolish Poison

Cure Poison / Remove Curse (spamable)
/cast [modifier] [button:2] Remove Curse; [button:1] Cure Poison

Cure Poison + Remove Curse (spamable) (unconfirmed)
/cast Cure Poison
/cast Remove Curse

Cure Poison + Remove Curse (unconfirmed)
/cast [target=mouseover, help] Cure Poison
/cast [target=mouseover, help] Remove Curse

"Pseudo-Decursive" (unconfirmed)
/cast [help] Cure Poison
/cast [target=player] Cure Poison
/cast [target=party1] Cure Poison
/cast [target=party2] Cure Poison
/cast [target=party3] Cure Poison
/cast [target=party4] Cure Poison

Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [help] [target=player] Healing Touch

Caster Form > Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch
/cast [nostance] Nature's Swiftness
/cast [nostance, help] [nostance, target=player] Healing Touch

Caster Form > Rejuvenation > Swiftmend
/cancel [nostance:5]
/castsequence [nostance] Rejuvenation, Swiftmend
{also: add "Barkskin" and/or "Regrowth" before the Rejuvenation}

Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch / Regrowth (in Tree of Life)
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [nostance, help] [nostance, target=player] Healing Touch; [stance:5, help] [stance:5, target=player] Regrowth

Trinket + Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch / Regrowth
/use Zandalarian Hero Charm
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [nostance, help] [nostance, target=player] Healing Touch; [stance:5, help] [stance:5, target=player] Regrowth

Healing Touch (target or target's target)
/cast [help] [target=targettarget] Healing Touch

Healing Touch (every situation)
/cast [modifier,target=player] [help] [target=targettarget, help] [target=mouseover,help] [target=focus,help] [target=focustarget,help] [target=none] Healing Touch

Healing Touch + Equip Idol
/cast Healing Touch
/equip Idol of the Avian Heart

Healing Touch & Announce (Say)
/cast [help] Healing Touch; [target=player] Healing Touch
/stopmacro [nohelp]
/say "Healing %t in 3 seconds."

Rejuv + Equip Idol
/equip Idol of Rejuvenation
/cast Rejuvenation
{note: this takes two clicks due to the GCD on swapping idols in combat}

Regrowth > Rejuvation > Lifebloom
/castsequence [help] [target=player] reset=8/target Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Lifebloom

/cast [help, dead] [target=targettarget, help, dead] [target=mouseover, help, dead] [target=focus, help, dead] Rebirth; [target=focustarget, help, dead] [target=none] Rebirth

Rebirth & Announce (Channel)
/stopmacro [nohelp]
/stopmacro [help, nodead]
/5 <<Battle Rezzing %T>>
/cast Rebirth

Rebirth / Innervate & Smart Announce
/run u="mouseover"s=UnitIsDead(u)and"Rebirth"or"Innervate"t,d=GetSpellCooldown(s)IsSpellInRange(s,u)==1 and d<=GetTime()-t and SendChatMessage("Casting "..s.." on "..UnitName(u),"PARTY")
/cast [target=mouseover,nodead]Innervate;[target=mouseover]Rebirth
