Wrath Classic Merciful Freedom

StartShadowstalker Canarius
Requires Level 68
World questNo
CategoryBorean Tundra
Experience20,100 (or 2 40 at level 80) XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
Reputation+250 Warsong Offensive

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Shadowstalker Canarius at Warsong Farms Outpost wants you to free 5 Scourge Prisoners.

  • Scourge Prisoner Freed (5)


The soldiers that they didn't kill are being held in cages scattered across this farmland. Through some thievery we've managed to find a few keys, but we're unable to get close enough to any prisoners without being attacked.

We need your "talents" in securing those keys and freeing the prisoners. Bash in the brains of the necrolords and aberrations and take their keys. Use those keys to free Scourge prisoners.


Each prisoner saved is one less undead aberration that we have to deal with, <name>. You've done a great service for the Horde.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 20,100 XP (or 2 40 at level 80)
  • 250 reputation with Warsong Offensive