Wrath Classic Opportunity


StartKoltira Deathweaver
EndSergeant Kregga
World questNo
PreviousThe Shadow Vault
NextEstablishing Superiority

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Speak to Sergeant Kregga below Icecrown Citadel.


We recently came upon schematics that indicate a weakness in Icecrown Citadel. An opening in its defenses, both figuratively and literally.

The captured diagrams show an orifice leading several hundred feet into the ground. We're unsure of its purpose, but our scouting has revealed it to be of high importance to the Scourge.

Speak to Sergeant Kregga below Icecrown Citadel, she's leading the attack on the site.



The completiion of  [80] The Shadow Vault is a prerequisite for Koltira to offer this quest.

Kregga is found under Icecrown Citadel, there are holes down to the area on each side of the main staircase leading to the Citadel proper.

Quest progression

  1.  [80] Exploiting an Opening /  [80] Opportunity
  2.  [80] Securing the Perimeter /  [80] Establishing Superiority
  3.  [80] Set it Off! /  [80] Blow it Up!
  4.  [80] A Short Fuse
  5.  [80] A Voice in the Dark
  6.  [80] Time to Hide
  7.  [80] Return to the Surface /  [80] Return to the Surface
  8.  [80] Field Repairs /  [80] Field Repairs