PoE House of Mirrors

Mirror of Kalandra Divination Card: House of Mirrors

House of Mirrors is a divination card. A set of nine can be exchanged for a Mirror of Kalandra.

  • 9x House of Mirrors = 1x Mirror of Kalandra

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House of Mirrors

Farming House of Mirrors Drop Location — How to get it

House of Mirrors can be dropped in the following areas:

The Alluring Abyss

The Alluring Abyss is an end-game area where the battle with Atziri, Queen of the Vaal takes place.

This area is essentially a harder version of The Apex of Sacrifice. It is generally referred to as the “Uber Atziri”. Bosses have significantly more health and damage output.

Atziri, Queen of the Vaal

Atziri was the Queen of Vaal and reigned over the Vaal Empire. Her thaumaturgist was Doryani.

Atziri has items related to her character:

  • Atziri’s Promise
  • Atziri’s Step
  • Atziri’s Acuity
  • Atziri’s Disfavour
  • The Vertex
  • Atziri’s Splendour
  • Atziri’s Reign
  • Vaults of Atziri


Atziri is encountered in the following areas:

  • Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in The Alluring Abyss as a main boss
  • Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in The Apex of Sacrifice as a main boss
  • Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in the The Temple of Atzoatl Throne of Atziri room as optional boss

PoE house of mirrors drop rate

I think the drop rate is actually around 9 times that of an actual mirror.

The problem is that the location in which it drops is so highly specialized that there is naturally going to be a SUBSTANTIALLY lower volume of people running the map.

So 9*rate but fewer people in it to get drops = overall lower drop “rate” despite the fact that the rate is about what you should expect for the item.

Only took more than a year for this card’s location to be confirmed. Most pointless card. That drop rate must be almost as low as an actual mirror.

House of mirrors Trade Price

The price of House of mirrors is 1300 Chaos Orbs.