Wrath Classic Reforging the Key

StartLibrarian Donathan
World questNo
CategoryBorean Tundra
PreviousA Race Against Time
NextTaking Wing

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Donathan wants you to speak to Surristrasz on Amber Ledge.

  • [Salrand's Broken Key] (Provided)


Delays, delays... the one thing we cannot afford right now!

As much as I hate to disturb Lord Surristrasz, he's our only hope of saving our beloved Evanor.

Bring him the key fragments and hope that his mood is favorable.

Hurry, <class>, our assault team is waiting.


You dare approach me, mortal?

For the sake of your unborn children, pray that your cause is worthwhile.


The frivolous games you play here of no consequence...

You and your Dalaran allies pick at loose threads while the fabric of this world's future is being shredded.

Still, this may provide my drakes some needed amusement.

Show me this key...

Quest progression

  1. [71] Nick of Time or [71] Too Close For Comfort
  2. [71] Prison Break
  3. [71] Abduction
  4. [71] The Borean Inquisition
  5. [71] The Art of Persuasion
  6. [71] Sharing Intelligence
  7. [71] A Race Against Time
  8. [71] Reforging the Key
  9. [71] Taking Wing
  10. [71] Rescuing Evanor
  11. [71] Dragonspeak
  12. [71] Traversing the Rift