Wrath Classic Seeds of the Lashers

Seeds of the Lashers

StartLord Itharius
World questNo
Experience20750 XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
Reputation+250 The Wyrmrest Accord
Rewards5 60
NextThat Which Creates Can Also Destroy

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Lord Itharius at the top of Wyrmrest Temple has asked you to return with 3 Lasher Seeds.

  • Lasher Seed: (3)


We need more weapons in the fight against the Scourge. The natural properties of the Emerald Dragonshrine to the southeast may be the answer.

Any unliving creature, save those that Sylvanas has redeemed, that steps foot into the dragonshrine falls to dust.

I want to test a theory, and I want you to be my instrument in doing so, young <race>. Go to the Emerald Dragonshrine and take the seeds from the emerald lashers therein.


You will receive: 5 60


And just how many seeds have you managed to acquire thus far?


Even now I can feel the pulse of nature from within these seeds.

We must put them to good use!

Quest progression

  1.  [74] Seeds of the Lashers
  2.  [74] That Which Creates Can Also Destroy