Tadpole Terror

Tadpole Terror

Start Armand Cromwell <Fishing Trainer>
End Armand Cromwell <Fishing Trainer>
Requires Level 10
World questNo
Experience1 skill point in Fishing XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
ReputationUndercity +250
Rewards1 [Bag of Shiny Things]
Scales by level (16 54 at Level 85)

This is one of the Undercity daily fishing quests, which can be used to improve cooking skill as well as contribute towards several Achievements.

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Armand Cromwell in Undercity wants you to bring him 8 Giant Flesh-Eating Tadpoles.

  • Giant Flesh-Eating Tadpoles: (8)


Some of our apothecaries took to dumping their more volatile waste chemicals into Stillwater Pond and... well, let's just say that no one wants to know how big mutant flesh-eating toads can grow.

Would you consider fishing up some giant flesh-eating tadpoles before it gets to that? Just don't try to handle them with your bare hands.


Catch any mutant tadpoles? Don't try to handle them with your bare hands.


Excellent work, <name>. I'll see that these are, ah, disposed of immediately.

After all, what would our fine apothecaries want with an army of monstrous, poison-spitting, flesh-eating super-toads?


You will receive:

  • XP (scales by level)
  • Money (scales by level; 16 54 at level 85.)
  • +1 Fishing skill
  • 1 [Bag of Shiny Things]

Achievement progression

  • Part of  Fish or Cut Bait: Undercity, which itself is part of  Gone Fishin' (Horde).
  • Can contribute to  5 Daily Quests Complete et al. and  A Simple Re-Quest.

Patches and hotfixes

  • Patch 4.1.0 (26-Apr-2011): Added.