Wrath Classic Take Their Rear!

Take Their Rear!

StartMaster Woodsman Anderhol
World questNo
CategoryGrizzly Hills
Experience20750 XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
Reputation+250 Valiance Expedition
Rewards5 60
PreviousReplenishing the Storehouse

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Anderhol at Amberpine Lodge wants you to collect 8 Grizzly Flanks from the Grizzly Bears in Grizzly Hills.

  •  [Grizzly Flank] (8)


We've all been working hard and it's beginning to pay off, but we're still far from our goal. We need much more meat than we have and it's growing clear that the local stag population won't be enough by itself.

I'm afraid we need you to turn your attention to more dangerous prey - the grizzlies that give this region its name. They're plentiful, and they're well fed from the abundant fish that swim in these streams.

Be safe, <class>!


You will receive: 5 60


The mighty <class> has returned!



Our stores are nearly replenished now. You've done your part, <name>.

Quest progression

  1.  [74] Replenishing the Storehouse
  2.  [74] Take Their Rear!