Wrath Classic Taking Wing

EndWarmage Anzim
World questNo
CategoryBorean Tundra
Experience2000 XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
Reputation+10 Kirin Tor
PreviousReforging the Key
NextRescuing Evanor

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Give Salrand's Key to Warmage Anzim when you are ready to free Evanor.

  • [Salrand's Key] (provided)


The key is forged anew.

Now heed my counsel, <race>. Succeed in your endeavor or die trying, for if a single scale falls from one of my drakes I shall hold you personally accountable.

Now, off with you.


This is it, the key is ours!


You will gain:

  • 48
  • +10 reputation with Kirin Tor
  • 2,000 XP

Quest progression

  1. [71] Nick of Time or [71] Too Close For Comfort
  2. [71] Prison Break
  3. [71] Abduction
  4. [71] The Borean Inquisition
  5. [71] The Art of Persuasion
  6. [71] Sharing Intelligence
  7. [71] A Race Against Time
  8. [71] Reforging the Key
  9. [71] Taking Wing
  10. [71] Rescuing Evanor
  11. [71] Dragonspeak
  12. [71] Traversing the Rift