That’s My Specialty – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
That’s My Specialty

62 None
Dragon Shard of Knowledge
1,150 2 78 55 Ohn’ahran Plains

Talk to Miguel Bright about a professional specialization.

Speak with Miguel (1)


So, you’ve started taking up a specialization, eh? ‘Tis a glorious thing, to have an exclusive skill you can call your own. As a member of the Artisan’s Consortium, I would be delighted to help you on your journey to honing your specialization. Have you a minute to listen to my words of wisdom, and perhaps learn something to help you on your adventures?


You will receive: 9

Dragon Shard of Knowledge


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 50 reputation with Artisan’s Consortium – Dragon Isles Branch
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(67295))

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