Wrath Classic The Doctor and the Lich-Lord

The Doctor and the Lich-Lord

StartLongrunner Bristlehorn
EndSage Highmesa
World questNo
CategoryBorean Tundra
Experience20300 XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
Reputation+250 The Taunka
PreviousFind Bristlehorn
NextReturn with the Bad News

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Destroy Doctor Razorgrin and Lich-Lord Chillwinter. Then, return to Sage Highmesa just to the south of The Dens of Dying.


There are two... that must... be killed.

The doctor and... the lich-lord... are above. Find them... destroy them... before....

...it is too... late....


You will receive: 5


Bristlehorn is dead?!

I should never have let him go there by himself.

Quest progression

  1. [71] Find Bristlehorn
  2. [71] The Doctor and the Lich-Lord
  3. [71] Return with the Bad News