The Primalist Front – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
The Primalist Front
62 62 None 4,700 13 45 74 Ohn’ahran Plains

Speak to Scout Tomul, Ari and Belika, Ohn Seshteng, and Merithra in the Storm Scar.


Ride Dragonriding Mount into Winds of the Isles (1)
Boku’s report heard (1)
Aru and Belika’s report heard (1)
Ohn Seshteng’s report heard (1)
Speak to Merithra (1)


The Khanam Matra sent word that she and her forces have arrived in the Emerald Gardens. They’ve located Koroleth and her Primalists. It appears a massive enemy invasion is gathering on a beach to the north. Wisely, she has several scouts watching strategic locations around the battlefield. Go and collect their reports, then meet me and my forces at the battlefront. Glory awaits us in battle, and, if we succeed, there will be vengeance.


You will receive: 3 70 50


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 100 reputation with Maruuk Centaur
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(66331))

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