To Rhonin’s Shield – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
To Rhonin’s Shield
65 65 None 2,450 6 90 50 The Azure Span

Meet with Drok Scrollstabber in the Tower Outlook.


Raszageth and the primalists are launching an all out assault on this “Vakthros” tower to the north. Khadgar and I will go ahead to handle the situation there from the sky. In the meantime, make your way to the Rhonin’s Shield, one of the last Kirin Tor camps in the area. You may be able to get there faster by riding that drake of yours from the top of the archives. See that the Kirin Tor there are okay, then make your way to Vakthros. We’ll be counting on you to help us from the ground.


You will receive: 38


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65886))

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