Valdrakken – WoW Dragonflight

Valdrakken is a major settlement on the Dragon Isles. The city is the culmination of all the dragons’ efforts and provides several vignettes to enjoy from the blue dragonflight’s public library to the red and green dragonflights own separate gardens.

Type City
Races Black dragonflight
Blue dragonflight
Bronze dragonflight
Green dragonflight
Red dragonflight
Affiliation Valdrakken Accord
Location Thaldraszus
PvP status Sanctuary

Players will also reach the main city hub of the expansion here—Valdrakken. This city is the culmination of all the dragon’s efforts and provides several vignettes to enjoy from the blue dragonflight’s public library to the red and green dragonflights own separate gardens.


The city will serve as a convenient hub of activity and will include access to an auction house for those looking to gain access to purchase a variety of goods.

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