Wildstar Hide Helmet

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How To Hide Your Helmet

This is the most commonly asked question in newbie zones, likely because the first helmet reward you get looks terrible and covers up your character's entire face/head.

These instructions presume you are using the Default UI but they also have been tested with ForgeUI.

1 - In the lower left corner, click on your menu.

2 - Select 'Holo-Wardrobe'

3 - On upper-left side of Holo-Wardrobe window click the dropdown and select Costume 1 (or any other number).

4 - Click the Orange icon next to your helmet slot.

5 - Click the green 'Equip' button and 'YES' to the Purchase Prompt (which should say 0 currency)

6 - Done!

Pistoleer's Helmet

Pistoleer's Helmet is head-slot light armor.Pistoleer's Helmet can be purchased from Shale the Shatterer in Sylvan Glade in Celestion for 1100 UI CRB Coin.

Armor - Light - Head
Item Level: 29
Bind on pickup
Unique Equipped

271 Armor
29 Moxie
22 Grit
3 PvP Offense Rating
Durability: 52/52

Soldier's Uniform Helmet

Soldier's Uniform Helmet is a head-slot costume piece.Soldier's Uniform Helmet is obtained as a level 6 Dominion soldier path reward.
Costume - Head
Item Level: 1
Bind on pickup

Wildstar Space Helmet

Q:I saw at the auction house, a shiphand space helmet, I was wondering where I can get one of those by playing?
A:Find discoveries in Farside and you can get a space helmet and other pieces of a space suit.

The Helmet That We May Never Obtain


wildstar helmet


wildstar helmet

Madda really wants this helmet in the worse way.
