Wow Ironforge Location

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  • City
  • Level: 1 - 110
  • Battle pet level: 1 - 3
  • Territory: Alliance
  • Instance type: Zone
  • Location: Dun Morogh
  • Reputation Hub: Ironforge

Ironforge (or the City of Ironforge) is the capital city of the dwarves, proud members of the Alliance. It is the ancestral home of the Bronzebeard dwarves. The Council of Three Hammers rules the kingdom of Khaz Modan from the throne room within the city.

Carved into the stone heart of Khaz Modan, the mighty city of Ironforge is a testament to the dwarves¡¯ strength and resilience. The city is perhaps the most intricate of the Alliance cities, boasting many small passageways, shops built into the rock walls, and cavernous rooms. The feel of the city is a bustling, rowdy, and somewhat industrial one. However, it is predominantly safe-feeling and cozy; fires roar in the hearths of the inns and shops, and much dwarven laughing and frivolity is to be heard. Also, unlike Stormwind and Darnassus, the city is actually a massive cavern carved into the earth by the dwarves; the ceiling and floor are both hard stone.

Mainly because of the Deeprun Tram, linking Ironforge and Stormwind City, and the district of Tinker Town, Ironforge is one of the most racially diverse cities in the Alliance world. Dwarves predominate, of course, but you will find plenty of gnomes even outside of Tinker Town, and probably as many humans. You will find almost no night elves however, as they probably prefer more natural and open spaced environments. With the Council of Three Hammers uniting all three dwarven clans, Ironforge has recently welcomed Dark Iron dwarves and Wildhammer dwarves into Ironforge as well.

The collective frivolity of the place, the bustling and gruff manner of the dwarves, and the proximity to many quest and raid areas have historically made Ironforge, along with Stormwind City, a popular place to idle.
