Wrath Classic Xarantaur, the Witness

Xarantaur, the Witness

StartBoktar Bloodfury
Requires Level 78
World questNo
CategoryThe Storm Peaks
Experience2200 XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
Reputation+10 Warsong Offensive
NextThe Witness and the Hero

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Speak with Xarantaur at Camp Tunka'lo.


It seems we're not the only visitors to this area. A courier relayed a message from a tauren named Xarantaur, who said he was visiting a taunka village called Camp Tunka'lo. The note was somewhat cryptic, but it seems this Xarantaur has come to Storm Peaks to learn the history of a taunka legend.

Meet up with him, <name>. See if what he knows can help us in any way. From his description, Camp Tunka'lo is far to the east, beyond the Terrace of the Makers and north of Dun Niffelem.


You will receive: 74


So Boktar received my note? That's excellent news. I doubted the taunka longrummer who carried it would reach anyone.

Quest progression

  1.  [80] Xarantaur, the Witness
  2.  [80] The Witness and the Hero
  3.  [80] Memories of Stormhoof
  4.  [80] Distortions in Time
  5.  [80] Where Time Went Wrong
  6.  [80] The Hero's Arms
  7.  [80] Changing the Wind's Course