You Have to Start Somewhere – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
You Have to Start Somewhere

Auto Accept (Hostile)

Battle Pet World Quest
58 None 7,900 Thaldraszus

Defeat Setimothes in a Pet Battle

Defeat Setimothes in a Pet Battle (1)


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7,900 experience
  • 15 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(71180))

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Quest Guide

Setimothes can be found South-East of Algeth’era in Thaldraszus ~ /way #2025 56.27 49.24 Setimothes

They are one of eight tamers for Battle on the Dragon Isles & Family Battler of the Dragon Isles

Their team consists of:

Enemy One: Cockroach – Critter
~ Scratch, Swarm, Apocalypse
~ Health: 1169 // Power: 175 // Speed: 263

Enemy Two: Cat
~ Claw, Rake, Devour
~ Health: 1375 // Power: 278 // Speed: 278

Enemy Three: Chicken
~ Peck, Adrenaline Rush, Flock
~ Health: 1644 // Power: 309 // Speed: 414 buffed & 276 unbuffed

My general strategy for You Have to Start Somewhere (of now in beta) is:

Anomalus (2,2,1) & Nexus Whelpling (1,2,2)

Turn 1: Corrosion
Turn 2: Void Nova
Turn 3: Poison Protocol
Turn 4: Corrosion until the Cockroach dies
Cat comes in
Turn 1+: Corrosion until Cat dies
Chicken comes in
Turn 1+ Void Nova & Corrosion until Anomalus dies (might be first turn)
If you want to bring in a level pet, do so here
Swap or bring in your Nexus Whelpling
Turn 1: Arcane Storm
Turn 2: Mana Surge

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