Wrath Classic Zeh'gehn Sez

Zeh'gehn Sez

EndHandsome Terry
World questNo
CategoryHowling Fjord
Experience10500 XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
PreviousA Traitor Among Us
NextA Carver and a Croaker

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Return to Handsome Terry to decipher what Zeh'gehn asked of you.


Is like dis, mon. Ye be wantin' me 'elp spotting some craven bag-o-wire been cardin' da crew?

Ye gotta bring me a croaker, mayey. Aft I an'I show ye who da blaggard be, mon. Nah, nah, croaker show ye. Ye'll ku fer yerself with yer own deadlights, yahso.

Bring us a carver yahso too, 'atsteppa. Galang, bucko.


You didn't understand a thing Zeh'gehn said? Well, of course not.

Let's see then.

Quest progression

  1. [71] Forgotten Treasure
  2. [71] The Fragrance of Money
  3. [71] A Traitor Among Us
  4. [71] Zeh'gehn Sez
  5. [71] A Carver and a Croaker
  6. [71] "Crowleg" Dan
  7. [71] Meet Number Two
  8. [71G3] The Jig is Up