Delirium Simulacrum Splinters -- Path of Exile

Delirium Simulacrum Splinters Atlas Passive Tree

Count Name Category Description
5Delirium Simulacrum SplintersNormal
  • 4% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found in your Maps

Related Atlas Passive Tree

2Delirium Fog Dissipation SpeedNormal
  • Delirium Fog in your Maps dissipates 5% slower
3Delirium ChanceNormal
  • Your Maps have +1% chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
1Descent Into MadnessNotable
  • Delirium in your Maps increases 50% faster with distance from the mirror
1The Singular EternityNotable
  • Delirium Fog in your Maps dissipates 25% slower
  • Delirium Fog in your Maps lasts 10 additional seconds before dissipating
5Delirium Simulacrum SplintersNormal
  • 4% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found in your Maps

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