Call to the First Ones PoE

Tier 1 Talisman Divination Card: Call to the First Ones

A talisman is a type of amulet. Talismans have their own implicit modifiers that are typically more powerful than those of ordinary amulets. Talismans are inherently corrupted, and therefore cannot be modified with crafting orbs. Call to the First Ones is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for a random corrupted rare tier 1 talisman.

  • 5x Call to the First Ones = 1x corrupted Tier 1 Talisman

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Call to the First Ones

Call to the First Ones Drop Location

Call to the First Ones can be dropped in the following areas: 
The Northern Forest (Act 7) • Infested Valley Map

Call to the First Ones got a good one

I’m not sure that’s too good of an amulet. Has damage I suppose but not enough to make up for the lack of stats\res. Hybrid isn’t too popular but it’d be ok in terms of raw EHP for some hybrid MoM or something.

Call of the First Ones drops in Burial Chambers!

Because I’m lazy and this seems as good a place as any:

The Spark and The Flame (Berek’s Respite card) drops in Plateau. As though you weren’t going to run every one you got anyway. You can also get it using currency items.

Are these First ones related to the new uniques the same ones revered by the Ezomytes?

The Ezomyte, desperate for aid, cried out to the gods.

During the purity rebellion rigwald called to certain ancient Ezomyte beings called the “First ones”. One of them, the “greatwolf” possessed him and made him into the monster whose dream echo we can fight.

I once thought the First Ones were just stories made to scare children. But I’ve seen what they can do. I’ve felt it. And now I must live with that terrible knowledge

Everytime they are referred to, they are implied to be powerful animalistic-related beings, similar to the first ones teased in the recent uniques.

Maybe those ancient beings from three years ago are coming back with the rest of the wraeclastian gods?

The Talismans themselves reflected a First One I thought but there is so many Talismans overall however a few stick out:

  • Monkey
  • Avian
  • Rat
  • Wolf

Then you read the ‘Natural Hierachy’ amulet -Just as the rat cowers before the dog and the dog cowers before Man, so too should we cower before the First Ones and pray we never learn of what comes next.

The text that implies Man is higher than ‘low beasts’ but is lower than a First One (which is depicted as human on the card)

Maybe we sacrifice beasts to the First Ones and they reward us as we are fulfilling the Natural Heirarchy and we sacrifice beasts to keep them happy -

Three Hand Talisman text — _We breed thoughts of single mind, fashion tools of single purpose. While the First Ones bring to bear anything that the wildlands provide.

  • The Wolven King_

Splitnewt Talisman — _From flesh and ferocity, the First Ones roamed through the realm of Spirit, and into the darkness beyond.

  • The Wolven King_