Chaotic Disposition PoE

Chaos Orb Divination Card: Chaotic Disposition

Chaotic Disposition is a divination card. It can be exchanged for five Chaos Orbs.

  • 1x Chaotic Disposition = 5x Chaos Orb

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Chaotic Disposition

Chaotic Disposition Drop Location

Chaotic Disposition can be dropped in the following areas: 
Poorjoy’s Asylum Map

Chaos Orb

A Chaos Orb is a currency item that can be used to re-roll the random modifiers on a piece of rare equipment.

Chaotic Disposition — Divination Card — drop location

So this is the card I created, I haven’t been sent the image yet, but this was found on the pathofexile wiki.

I didn’t choose the drop location (apparently poorjoys asylum). Confirmation from GGG or others who have proof of drop location will be needed to determine this more accurately. Only posting this as an update for those interested.

Overall I’m very satisfied with the image, though I don’t care much for the drop location.

98.5–100 Poorjoy’s Chaotic Disposition Drops

well, I bought the majority at 4c each, later at 5–6c cause I depleted the market all by myself I guess! And yes you not only break even, but you also make a quite big gain. Notable drops in that span were 5x pure ex and 3x reliq keys and 2x Cospri’s Will.

It’s really hard to justify a nerf for poorjoys. The damage dealt by mobs feels like a normal t14 map, but worst.because of titty tentacle shooters. Also, chaotic disposition is decently rare. no of drops wise, I’m certain that OP did a whole bunch of the maps since it’s 98.5 to level 100.

If the old arctic armor was around with the new immortal flesh belt, the map would be a breeze.

Exalted Orb crafting or Chaotic Disposition?

A friend of mine through MTG like to post their art on FB occasionally. Saw their newest piece and I instantly got PoE vibes and couldn’t help but share it with the talent competition going on.