Demigod's Wager PoE

Orb of Annulment Divination Card: Demigod’s Wager

Demigod’s Wager is a divination card. A set of seven can be exchanged for an Orb of Annulment.

  • 7x Demigod’s Wager = 1x Orb of Annulment

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Demigod's Wager

Demigod’s Wager Drop Location

Demigod’s Wager can be dropped in the following areas: 
The Cleansing Light of Basilica Map

Orb of Annulment

The Orb of Annulment is a poe currency item that can be used to remove a random modifier from a magic or rare item.

New Div Card Drop Locations?

Vanity drops from the Vaal vessels at the end of corrupted side areas.

Demigod’s Wager drops from Basilica boss (maybe act 5 Innocence too?).

Imperial Legacy drops in Dunes. EDIT: Apparently anything with a desert tileset.

That’s all I know personally.