Destined to Crumble

Body Armour(Item Level: 100) Divination Card: Destined to Crumble

Destined to Crumble is a divination card. A set of five can be exchanged for random rare body armour with item level 100.

  • 5x Destined to Crumble = 1x Body Armour(Item Level: 100)

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Destined to Crumble

Destined to Crumble Drop Location

Destined to Crumble can be dropped in the following areas: 
Academy Map • Museum Map • Scriptorium Map

You can get this card through PoE currency items such as Jeweller’s Orb.

Destined to Crumble

Chances are, you are the first to get anything decent from this card. I got a 700+ Regalia last league. Not even close to this but I’d consider it decent.

Destined to crumble div card is good i guess

You’re better off getting an open prefix and crafting on Gain (9–10)% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield. It gives a ridiculous amount of energy shield. With 1600 base life (very obtainable), 160% life and 180% es it gives 700 es. The same as getting 250 flat es from a single mod. This only gets better with more %life or flat life. Only when you go a lot higher into %es does it become comparable to regular es mods.

Totally unexpected “Destined to Crumble” card result

Hybrid rare chests won’t really be able to shine unless GGG makes hybrid flat rolls, like 130 es and 300 Eva on a single mod. Then hybrid chests could actually roll flat + %+ %and stun and reach high values like pure stat chests.

Even that wouldn’t be enough to save this chest. That would bump it up to 600~ ES. A decent budget chest to start with but not something anybody would spend serious money on. At it’s best this base type will only ever be a midrange ES chest. It will introduce more midrange ES chests to help make the builds more affordable but nobody will build around it or have it as their ideal chest.

For AR/EV it would help a little for the combined flat roll but nobody is going to sacrifice a life roll for def/%stun. Life builds are already scrounging for every last point in a desperate attempt to not get 1 shot and losing 300~ on your chest really hurts.

For hybrid chests to shine it would take your suggestion, a rework of the defenses themselves, and a rework of the passive tree to add more hybrid scaling nodes. Outside of a few niche applications they just don’t fit into the current game.