Wrath Classic Find Sage Mistwalker

Find Sage Mistwalker

StartGreatmother Ankha
EndSage Mistwalker
Requires Level 70
World questNo
CategoryHowling Fjord
ReputationThe Taunka +10
NextThe Artifacts of Steel Gate

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Greatmother Ankha has asked you to check on the condition of Sage Mistwalker. She believes him to be at or near Steel Gate.


<class>, I grow worried that my son, Sage Mistwalker, has been gone for such a long time. The land is cruel and deadly.

He spoke of a recurring vision that he had of a wolf, and went west with a small group of longrunners to seek its source. I believe the name of the place he mentioned was Steel Gate.

Will you find him? I want to make sure that no ill has befallen him.


You will receive: 24


My mother should not concern herself with my safety. But, I thank you for coming, stranger.

Since you are here, perhaps you will help me with a few things?

Quest progression

  1. [71] Find Sage Mistwalker
  2. [71] The Artifacts of Steel Gate
  3. [71] The Cleansing
  4. [71] In Worg's Clothing
  5. [71] Brother Betrayers
  6. [71] Eyes of the Eagle
  7. [71] Alpha Worg