Heterochromia PoE Divination Card

unique Two-Stone Ring Divination Card: Heterochromia

Heterochromia is a divination card. A set of two can be exchanged for a random unique Two-Stone Ring.

  • 2x Heterochromia = 1x unique Two-Stone Ring

unique Two-Stone Ring

  • Berek’s Grip
  • Berek’s Pass
  • Berek’s Respite
  • Call of the Brotherhood
  • Precursor’s Emblem
  • Precursor’s Emblem
  • Precursor’s Emblem
  • Rigwald’s Crest

As of version 3.4.0, according to a player’s video, out of 100 sets, the cards only gave Berek’s rings (league-specific) and did not grant Call of the Brotherhood (not league-specific) or Rigwald’s Crest (league-specific and boss drop) or Precursor’s Emblem (league-specific and vendor recipe).

Another player, had also posted an Excel table in reddit in 2017, claiming he obtained one Call of the Brotherhood, out of 30 sets, with rest of them were Berek’s rings. Specifically, 2x Berek’s Respite which was the most expensive of the Berek’s rings.

It is not certain that it was due to item weighting or the card was designed to grant league-specific Berek’s rings most of the time, which they were tied to Nemesis league, but not granting other league-specific two-stone ring.

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Heterochromia PoE

Farming Heterochromia Drop Location — How to get it

Heterochromia can be dropped in the following areas:

Estuary Map

Heterochromia poe drop rate

Just wondering if anyone is farming heterochromia (or any of the ice maps) this league, was wondering how often it drops.

I got 2 doctors from 20 elder burials, 1:10 drop chance confirmed.