Hunter's Resolve PoE

unique Bow Divination Card: Hunter’s Resolve

Hunter’s Resolve is a divination card. A set of eight can be exchanged for a random unique bow.

  • 8x Hunter’s Resolve = 1x unique Bow

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Hunter's Resolve PoE

Farming Hunter’s Resolve Drop Location — How to get it

Hunter’s Resolve can be dropped in the following areas:

The Riverways (Act 6) • Ramparts Map • Fungal Hollow Map

The Riverways

The Riverways is an area in Act 6. This area has a waypoint and is connected to The Western Forest, The Wetlands, and The Southern Forest.

unique bow

  • Iron Commander
  • Doomfletch
  • Silverbranch
  • Quill Rain
  • Nuro’s Harp
  • Null’s Inclination
  • Death’s Harp
  • Infractem
  • Xoph’s Inception
  • Lioneye’s Glare
  • Chin Sol
  • Storm Cloud
  • Roth’s Reach
  • Windripper
  • Voltaxic Rift

Who ever added “Hunter’s Resolve” divination card

I dropped 1 so far without even the intent of farming for it. Was a random map I did. RNG is RNG, man.

Hunter’s Resolve Farming Drop Rate

Has anyone got experience in shaping their atlas for either Grotto or Underground River for this card. Thinking about eldering underground river depending on where it is on the atlas next league and wanted to know what the drop rate is like. I’m expecting probably 1 ever 700 maps?

I ran grottos to LVL 98 last league. Elder fully sextant, I got 2 cards by 98..
There are soo many cards that are really rare. Even when they do not drop really expensive items. Aka “ The Sun” for Rise of the Phoenix.