Imperial Legacy PoE

Six-Link Imperial Bow Divination Card: Imperial Legacy

Imperial Legacy is a divination card. A set of twenty-two can be exchanged for a normal Imperial Bow with six linked sockets and item level 100.

  • 22x Imperial Legacy = 1x Six-Link Imperial Bow(Item Level: 100)

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Imperial Legacy PoE

Farming Imperial Legacy Drop Location — How to get it

Imperial Legacy can be dropped in the following areas:

The Vastiri Desert • The Oasis • The Foothills • Desert Map • Desert Spring Map • Dunes Map • Pillars of Arun

The Vastiri Desert

The Vastiri Desert is an area with a Waypoint in Act 9. It is connected to The Descent, The Foothills and The Oasis. Vaal side area Shifting Sands has a chance to spawn.

The Oasis

The Oasis is an area in Act 9. It is connected to the Vastiri Desert, The Sand Pit, and The Forbidden Vault. Vaal side area Shifting Sands and Dusty Bluff have a chance to spawn.

The Foothills

The Foothills is an area with a Waypoint in Act 9. It is connected to The Vastiri Desert , The Boiling Lake and The Tunnel. Vaal side area Forgotten Gulch has a chance to spawn.

Imperial Legacy v The Porcupine

I decided to try out some SSF for a change of pace, and I need a 6 link bow. Base doesn’t matter. Does anyone have any anecdotal experience with the drop rates on Imperial Legacy or Porcupine? Browsing some threads from about a month ago made it seem that the porcupine drop rate is in the gutter from where it once was. Any personal insights are greatly appreciated. Thank you kindly.

Imperial Legacy seems to have very nice drop especially in Desert Spring map and with some card scarabs. Getting 2–3 cards per map is not uncommon.

I read on a post from the beginning of the league that they seem to only drop from legion mobs inside the specific zones. Does that line up with your experience, or is that just bad info?

You can farm a full set of imperial legacy by just farming monoliths in the foothills. It’s not too rare but with 22 cards needed it will still take 2–3 hours unless your build is super fast already.

Can also confirm foothills has a nice drop rate. This was the first league I was able to refrain from killing mobs while leveling and as such was done with campaign (sans kitava and labs) by 61 or 62. Farmed foothills for exp for 6–7 levels and it felt like the cards were dropping pretty regularly. I did this for all 4 pf my chars this league and Ive turned in 3 sets and am 19/22 on the 4th.